Doctor Who

I think the series suffered a little from Ncuti not being around for a lot of it and getting too many Dr lite moments in a very short series

The finale episodes were stuffed with too much Unit staff. I liked Mel getting some more focus but Rose was totally unnecessary and you have two geniuses in Morris Gibbons and the Vlinx, why did we need another soldier in the Time Window - yes he was Mancunium but that could have easily been Colonel Ibrahim turning to dust which could have made his moment with Kate stronger at the end
They/them, he/him
I always felt his specials veered between amazing and dire. Top tier are Christmas Carol, Husbands, and Last Christmas. The dregs of hell/not that great were Doctor Mysterio, The Widow, and Twice Upon A Time. I have a feeling Joy might be one of the good ones. With luck.

Mysterious and Twice were great though. The only duff Moffat Christmas Specials were Widow and maybe The Snowmen?
One day we will find something to agree on when it comes to Doctor Who!

I think we agree on a lot (which is rare for fans because none of us agree on anything), but I have fundamental problems with the writing and characterisation in Twice Upon A Time, especially Steven's take on The First Doctor, which was pretty horrific. He wrote him to be nothing like the actual Doctor, using him as shorthand for crap gags about the sixties. I was mortified watching it. Then Peter's final speech at the end, the one about pears and kids knowing The Doctor's name. Dreadful stuff. It's a shame because I love Series 10 and The 12th Doctor. I just wish The Doctor Falls had been Peter's finale, because it was such a high point. As for Doctor Mysterio, it's just beneath Peter Capaldi, isn't it? Horrible sitcom dialogue, weird characters who perform like they know they're on a TV show, all ironic and sassy, the deliberate Lois and Clark vibes but nowhere near as fun or clever. It just wasn't for me. How can you go from The Husbands of River Song to that? The whiplash. I was over the Christmas specials by that point anyway.
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They/them, he/him
I think the fact it's barely been 5 days since the finale and people have already moved back to older seasons says everything.

Only on here, though. There is a lot of love for the finale elsewhere on the internet. My Threads feed is filled with folks saying how much they loved it. Sometimes I do need to remind myself that the opinions of PJ gays may not be the overall view of something!
That’s natural no? New fans are interested in what came before and older ones feel like revisiting the older ones to get a nostalgia kick and see if they spot anything that might come back in during seasons.
Also, we were discussing the forthcoming Christmas special and went on a pivot. I loved this season of Who. It felt brave, experimental, and different. My wish for next year is to see new talent writing for the show.
The mystery surrounding Ruby was so enticing but the payoff was such a let down. This season has had a handful of great eps but the writing hasn't been the best, has it?
The more I think about it, the more I like the concept of her Mum being normal, but the writing and execution let it down. Part of me wishes it wasn't so tied to the finale and we maybe had an episode based in UNIT where they solved the mystery and at the end Ruby and the Doctor happen to see an advert with Susan Triad and that leads into the finale.
I've generally enjoyed the series but found the pacing hasn't worked. That awful baby episode opening the series and having two Doctor-lite episodes back-to-back (and those two are my favourites of the series). I think it would have helped if the series had followed in January sooner after the Christmas special.

I don't think I know enough about the new Doctor or Ruby, and their friendship doesn't seem realistic enough because there's not been enough screen time or character development. When Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper had their first series I was fully invested in them.
13 episodes a year was already a pretty high ask and I'd rather a regular 8 if they can get a handle on how to pace it. I think the mystery box with Ruby was maybe overstuffed for an intro/exit as well as other arcs.
