Doctor Who

Nicola Coughlan and Stephanie de Whalley were great, and the angry scene and the ending made me cry juat a tad.
All in all, I'd say middle of the pack Christmas Special wise.
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I thought that was sweet and fun if oddly paced. Felt like they had a plan and then changed tact when they got a big name.

Moffat is FAR better at writing Ncuti than Russel is. Far more interest and darkness behind the persona

Inland Empire

Staff member
Nah I’m sorry that was kinda shit. I know Moffat’s never been a subtle writer but this (and Boom) felt overwrought and trite in a way his episodes never really did before (except maybe TDTWATW which is an all-time low so…yeah). I swear I could just feel the spite from him having read the screenplay for 73 Yards and burning with rage that he didn’t come up with the idea first.
I loved that. It has that thing of being something I feel I've seen from Steven before (especially the Villengard AI beinh hijacked by victims of their weapons), but it was so much fun I didn't care. I'm not sure a lot of fandom will find, um, joy in it judging by the early, immediate reaction.
Well that was mid. Had all the elements of a good story but was just a bit... boring. I did love Ncuti's performance though, the scenes with him and Anita were the standout. Tbh the parts of Anita and Joy should've just been merged or something.

Meh, still got an hour of Ncuti looking ridiculously hot, and we got a cameo from the iconic Ms. Ruby Sunday, so bring on the next season with Mrs. Flood reveals.

Inland Empire

Staff member
The Anita stuff was entirely unnecessary. Breaking up the arc of a one-off companion to introduce another, more generic one-off companion is just insane. The character's entertaining enough but there's only so many times I can watch Moffat speedrun a character's development over a 10-minute montage before the trick wears off.
The Anita stuff was entirely unnecessary.
Oh, totally. It was also a repeat of tropes we've seen Moffat do too many times before, but I thought it was so well done that I really didn't mind. I also caught from the new series trailer that Belinda works in a hospital and I'm wondering if...they're really just redoing Tennant's era. The ending of last night's episode when Joy told The Doctor to find a friend was very Donna at the end of Runaway Bride.
