Doctor Who

That was alright - good enough for Christmas, I think. Although the Anita sub-plot felt like too much. Either Anita should've replaced Joy or Joy should've replaced Anita.
The pacing felt off and at least 3 different times I felt like it took hard turns that were slightly confusing and disjointing, but the heart and emotion that was there shined through the lows of it and made it enjoyable overall. It had me and my fiancé tear up by the end of it! Compared to a lot of the episodes we got last season, I think this is a win and a step in the right direction.
Anita being the runaway star of the show and everyone singing her praises on social media... it's what she deserves, etc. etc.
Oh good! I’ve just watched it and that’s exactly how I felt. She felt like a real contrast to this Doctor, they had genuine chemistry. If that had been an introduction for her sticking around, even better.
I thought Joy to the World was fine. I'll be honest, I've never really been a fan of Moffat's Christmas specials, there's always been something about them that's never clicked with me. But with this it just felt like I was waiting for something to happen, some excitement and it just never came. I guess for me I always expect a little more swashbuckling adventure from my Christmas episodes.

That said, I loved the scenes with Anita and the Doctor and actually wouldn't have minded more of that. There was something quite comforting about the scenes that did feel perfect for Christmas Day viewing.

I'm definitely excited by the season 2 teaser though.
When award campaigns are going on, record labels or film studios carry out “for your consideration” campaigns asking people to vote for them. But can be used in a more casual sense like “may I suggest…”.
OK. I think I get it. I think it was the word order that confused me. Haha.
Sadly, I think she's back with Big Finish rather than on television. But if she does come back, let's get those two bitchy legends Swarm and Azure back as well.
No, she's back with Big Finish but she's allegedly been spotted filming on set as well. In recent interviews, she's also made statements suggesting that she's returning, including mentioning working with Ncuti for "something".
