Dog Days Are Over: The Florence + the Machine Discography Rate (And the winner is...)

Addicted to Love is one of the better covers on this list (gave it an 8 after all) but I'm still kinda ok with it bowing out early in favour of keeping the rate choc full of Flo originals.

If there's only one Extra that can last a while, I'm devoting a pagan ritual circle to Heavy in Your Arms.
63. Here Lies Love (David Byrne and Fatboy Slim feat. Florence Welch) - 5.451 (4,0)
62. Not Fade Away - 5.488 (2,5)
61. When in Disgrace with Fortune and Men's Eyes (Sonnet 29) [Rufus Wainwright feat. Florence Welch and Ben de Vries] - 5.535 (2,5)
60. Addicted to Love - 5.57 (6.0)

'Addicted to Love' is my biggest loss at the moment. Nothing too substantial, but I do believe it could have lasted a few more eliminations.
Excellent eliminations thus far, although I didn't mind Addicted to Love that much. I hope album tracks don't start leaving for a long, long while.
I have so much Faith in how this rate is going to turn out... I mean, we all love Flo, so we all must have great taste.

And I DO NOT need a repeat of what happened the other day in the Texas Rate, kii.

Are You Hurting the One You Love? - 5.93

: 8 x 2 – @2014, @Push
Low: 3 x 1 - @Kuhleezi

Are You Hurting the One You Love is the B-side to Rabbit Heart. When I looked it up on YouTube, it seemed to be used a lot to soundtrack those awful clip shows that people stitch together for shipping purposes. I can’t find anything from Florence talking about it, but I feel like the title speaks for itself and the story isn’t too interesting. There aren't layers here. Not every B-side can be I Will Survive or Has to Be, some are just shit. This is our first proper Florence + the Machine original to be booted, written by Florence Welch, Isabella Summers, Christopher Lloyd Hayden (drummer) and Tom Monger (harpist), but I don't think this is too much of a loss for anyone.

It seems she only really performed it live back in the halcyon days of 2009, when she didn’t really have that many songs to sing and needed to pad the setlist out a little after shoving the entirety of Lungs on there.

Kuhleezi opens with my personal opinion, “Lungs is so so so so so much better than its (countless) deluxe edition tracks. This one is just meh.” The Lungs deluxe edition basically seems like they just shoved everything Florence ever recorded up to that point on there. It wasn’t particularly curated.

Did you know it features them drumming on pots and pans because they’re putting as much effort into its sound as they did into writing it? Jam quite likes “the ‘kitchen utensil orchestra’ sound of this”. Squashua similarly states “clink, clank, plink, plonk. A demo made in the Machine's kitchen obvs, clearly half-baked.” Pinkieshy takes issue with one instrument in particular, “I’m not so keen on the cowbell (?) dominating the song, but the rest of it is fine.” I don’t know which one of Florence’s kitchen utensils you’re referring to and I can’t be bothered to check, but I agree in that I am not too keen on any of this.

Oleander calls it ‘quirky’, which I’ve always found to be a bit of a backhander, “Another song I think a lot of people might dislike. I quite like the quirky production, it compliments Flo's vocals nicely. The biggest flaw with this one is that it's too repetitive”. constantino is closely studying the artistic growth of Florence Welch, “Ah, finally, I like this one. It’s subtle, but also refreshing and sweet. You won’t find Florence this stripped back again; this is an interesting insight into the stages leading up to Florence truly finding her voice.”

We end on a live performance, if only because I think what Florence says at the beginning is pertinent:

Totally happy with this elimination. I remember being so excited about the idea of extra Lungs tracks after I'd devoured the album but Are You Hurting The One You Love? just fell completely flat for me.

On that note though, can people please stop using the word swimmingly? Don't jinx it.

Midnight (Cosmo feat. Florence Welch) - 6.133


: 10 x 1 – @Kuhleezi
Low: 2 x 1 - @Oleander

The Cosmo EP was the solo project of Felix White of the Maccabees, and it seems to have slipped under the radar pretty much everywhere. As well as Florence, it also features PJ fave Jessie Ware on backing vocals on a track. It was written on odd weekends between band commitments, cost next to nothing and the vocalists made their contributions as a favour. Midnight speaks of how it feels and what it means to be a performer, and is probably the highlight of the EP. The slow tempo and melancholic beat at the start make you think it’s going to be a relatively muted affair, but it slowly builds in tempo and gathers more elements until it becomes a force of nature.

It’s a shame as I think it suffered from lack of familiarity, and if it had been even marginally more well-known I think it could have gone quite a bit farther. I think it deserved to do better than some things that are still in, but them’s the breaks.

I detected a little bit of shade from Sprockrooster, I did. “That video is very interesting. It draws me in so much I forget to listen. A very nice discovery.” Jam “hadn’t heard this one before. Nice discovery“. Runawaywithme says “yet another new discovery, I really like the backing track. The haunting dreamy guitars go well with Florence’s voice which sounds slightly distorted and strange here and I really like that, it sounds really quite creepy but I like the slightly strange nightmare-ish feel of this, and I love the climax in the last minute.” You’re all welcome!

Someone who doesn’t like how Florence’s voice has been treated here is Plethorya, who believes that it “should be foregrounded, not muddied. Not that hard to grasp”.

constantino isn’t too fussed, “This is kind of…flat? It lacks tension, even though I think that’s what Cosmo was going for. I wouldn’t be mad if this left first. The ‘payoff’ is a bit disappointing…not quite the ~moment~ I wanted.” Well it left sixth, and it cracked a 6-point average, so it’s done pretty well for itself. Oleander thinks that it “starts off very middle-of-the-road, then it gets weird, then Flo's voice soars, and then it gets weird again. An interesting roller coaster ride, but nothing that I ever need to hear again.” Similarly, Push isn’t too interested, but still finds the time to storyboard, “This has a movie soundtrack vibe to it. Like a scene where a horrendous murder is committed and then the killers are all regretting it and trying to lead on with their lives while keeping a lookout for anyone who suspects it was them. I won't be coming back to this though.” Was that the original concept for the Make Me video?

aaronhansome was all set to give this an 8.5 but “I_CANNOT_USE_REAL_WORDS_PROPERLY_ I took this down a point when the end started”. I just checked the spreadsheet and that extra point wouldn’t have made a difference to its position, so you’re lucky Kuhleezi can’t blame you for torpedoing ha fave. Play us out, sis.

“This song is so overlooked and it's a real shame. "The colosseum or the concert hall, the city or the sea / The bedroom or the ballroom makes no difference to me / It's all just a place to lose it / One way or the other you have to break through it", I mean, it's so gorgeous and it flows so well. I also love that the early summer feel of the song suddenly turns into a creepy Halloween vibe, Hurricane Drunk meets Seven Devils realness. That moment when everything gets batshit crazy is one of my favourites in her career.”

I appreciate the swift departure of these extras and Lungs bonus tracks as they're all rather inconsequential.

Yeah, I hope that everyone's okay with me speeding through these. I'm going to the cinema soon so I don't know if I'll be able to knock another two out, but I'm definitely going to boot out another before I go to bed. The eliminations very rapidly get more interesting, I promise.

But either way, tomorrow we lose our first 11! So that's exciting.
