Breath of Life - 6.202
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Breath of Life was written for the Snow White and the Huntsman soundtrack. Upon watching a few scenes from the film, Florence was captivated by the character of the evil queen
Cersei Ravenna and decided to write the song from her perspective. The track was recorded at Abbey Road studios under the supervision of the film’s composer, James Newton Howard. Seeing her composition turned into a beautiful orchestration accompanied by a 60-piece choir, Florence wept. It flopped onto the UK Singles chart at #87, thank god it wasn’t particularly successful.
It’s a bit of a blunt instrument, isn’t it? Just imagine I put the gif of Laganja saying ‘This is just too fucking much!’ here. After Ceremonials, the last thing she needed to do was go even bigger. I feel like there might be the bones of a good song being choked out by the unnecessary bombast somewhere deep down, but she abandoned this in 2012 so it looks like we’ll never know. All the elements together are just far too grand for their own good.
This is one of
TR’s favourites, “I like that it's written from the perspective of the Queen. Her songs work well as a soundtrack to fantasy epics, I hope she will do more in the future.”
constantino is right there stanning alongside, “WAIT at the choir. WAIT at the harmonized vocals. WAIT at the theatrics slaying me once again. This is TOO GOOD to be a mere bonus track.”
Runawaywithme is a fellow acolyte of their religion of loud, “I love the opening of the song with the choirs and the big drums, and I like how it gets faster as the song goes on and reaches that operatic climax, Florence’s voice is like always incredible in this song.”
How many of you felt personally victimised by Kristen Stewart?
Plethorya says that the song is “better than that whole movie”.
Jam echoes this, “I enjoy this very much as a standalone soundtrack song, the only good thing to come out of that movie.” And for the hat trick, here’s
Squashua, “It’s absolutely phoned in on Florence’s end (as was the film by everyone but Charlize Theron) but the Attack on Titan choirs were nice, I guess. No more than average.” I wouldn’t know about the film, I didn’t go to see it because I’m not a masochist. Did Chris Hemsworth get a topless scene? Am I thinking of the right film?
2014 says that it’s “a bit one note, it sounds too much like a song for a movie if that makes sense? Not much substance”. It kind of feels like Flo was given a memo saying ‘We loved Ceremonials, just do all that again for our faux-Gothic film IN ONE SONG’, doesn’t it?
Kuhleezi calls it “Seven Devils on steroids. Not that that's such a great compliment, though, since it's too grand for its own good. Maybe the only time I feel Flo has gone too far? Can't deny the OoOooOOooooOoooooh chanting though.” If you love Gregorian chanting so much, why don’t you just marry it?
Oleander feels that “there's too much going on and the song suffers greatly because of it”.
Pinkieshy assesses it as being “Not great, not terrible. Just a bit meh.”
Sprockrooster calls it an “average Florence + the Machine song”.
Push has an interesting reference point, “The repetition of the verses irks me. Curiously this feels like something you'd hear on a Tomb Raider soundtrack.” You mean the games, right, not the Jolie films? I guess I can hear it, maybe, if you stripped Florence’s vocals it would sound like a ridiculous boss theme for that or some JRPG.
It got a video which is just some film clips stitched together with some shots of Florence recording in the studio, and the orchestra and choir doing orchestral choir things. The film doesn't look any better four years later.