I just know my 11 is the first to be chopped.
Kiss with a Fist - 6.547
11 x 1 – @A$AP Robbie, 10 x 3 -
Low: 0 x 1 -
Well, this is a bit of a curveball, isn’t it? Lungs is our first album to take a bullet, and our first track from an album to fall is also the first ever single released by the band. It peaked at #51 in the charts. Florence originally recorded Kiss with a Fist with her first band, Ashok, under the name Happy Slap, before recording it for a second time with the Machine. Musically, it’s completely different to everything she’s done since, a messy fast-paced punky number that ramps up to 100 pretty much immediately, but you can see the embryonic lyrical elements of relationships and chaos. It reached a highest rank of the mid-thirties, where I thought it was likely to stay, but a lot of 'meh' scores from voters and not a lot of lovers meant that it crashed down to here. I don't think anyone thought this was likely to go the distance, but I'm a bit surprised it went out
this soon.
She wrote it when she was 17, hanging around with a lot of punk and art-college bands who wrote tough songs. She observed how love could sometimes be a destructive force and how people pushed each other to extremes due to their need to push each other’s buttons and cause drama. She cites one particularly intense couple she knew where the guy had never hit the girl, but the girl had lamped him a few times after he had irritated her sufficiently. The main thing Florence took from observing their relationship was the animal passion they had for each other. She’s had to explain this song many (many) times in interviews, and she’s said it’s never been supposed to be about one person in the pair victimising the other, but about “giving as good as you get”. The extreme imagery of the song is supposed to reflect the extreme emotion contained within.
So let’s get stuck into our commentary, shall we?
Plethorya says that “this deserves high points if only for her Leona Lewis interview quote. But the song’s great too.” For those unfamiliar: during one of the many,
many times she has had to clarify this song, Florence brought up the song Bleeding Love and how it’s not actually about someone bleeding, and her song is not about popping someone in the mouth, because they’re metaphors. The nuances of the English language.
So, who are our fans?
Push “loves this!!” with two exclamation marks.
Sprockrooster is not a punk lover, but loves it when Florence does it. This was the first Florence song
2014 heard and “it is still so much fun”.
Munro wants your bad romance, “Yas Florence you better put those #RelationshipGoals into musical form.”
Runawaywithme can’t help but “love this song and its problematic lyrics and very messy wild production, it reminds me of certain wild moments with my friends.”
AllGagaLike says that it’s “quite an anomaly but also quite a bop.”
Kuhleezi agrees that it’s out of place, observing that it’s “the kind of song that you hate at first listen but then creeps into your bones (Florence would be so proud of me right now) and you can only admit to yourself it's a gigantic guilty pleasure. To think it was their official first single! Such an eyesore in the context of their discography (no pun intended).”
Jam says that it’s “a quick bit of fun but sticks out like a sore thumb”, which just makes me think of inappropriate things.
Jersey justifies the 0 with a swift “ANNOYING AS FUCK”. Ruthless.
Remyky22 says that
“it's not crucial to the album or anything, but it adds a fun note and it doesn't last long enough to actually start being annoying. Although it's not an OMGAMAZING song, she pulls it off effortlessly.” Similarly,
Oleander thinks that two minutes is long enough, “I'm glad this song isn't longer. It's not bad per se, but it's also nothing to write home about. I get what she was going for and there is some spunk, but this was crying out for more attitude and fire. It's is too repetitive, especially considering how short it is, but the lyrics do paint an interesting picture.” I’m not sure attitude and fire are what is missing here, so much as an artistic identity. This sounds like so many other indie landfill bands out there, and what’s cute as a one-off could never work as the foundation of a career like the one they’ve had. Thank god for what followed.
Quite a few people can recall this as one of their earliest Florence experiences, such as
Squashua. “One of the first songs I heard by them however it don't think it represents their sound going forward. I like it but I doubt even Florence would put it very high on her list (plus no tens for domestic violence anthems y'all).” Meanwhile,
constantino believes that “this was the second Florence song I heard, which I discovered in a late night scramble for more material on YouTube. The video is really fun, as is the imagery. I really appreciate that it was included on Lungs despite not really fitting the overall ~tone~. This appeases the indie rock stan within me.”
Pinkieshy observes that “when there were nearly no other songs from her, this was half-decent. But it’s clearly the weak link of the album, almost like a misfire in sound before she discovered her true strengths.” Similarly,
Raisin Hell thinks this has suffered as time has gone on and Florence’s career has progressed, “I appreciate the humour in this track in light of how dark and heavy Florence's discography is, but it doesn't sound too good in 2016.” a
aronhansome says that it’s “a bit Kate Nash, innit?” which I would deem a harsh criticism but then he gave it 7.5 so clearly he likes that sort of thing.
And what does our 11-giver have to say? I’ll leave you with
A$AP Robbie.
“I remember the first time I heard this, and I just listened to it over and over. It takes a difficult subject for a pop song, and kinda nails it, for me at least. Really brilliant.”