Drag Race Down Under (S4)

I'm only on episode 2, but this Olivia Newton Grease Girl Group Challenge..
Both teams are really bloody good.

Freya chatting shit in the rehearsals then ending up in the bottom was delicious.
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Great season, really enjoyable finale, and a very deserving winner.

I'd have been ok with any of the top 3 taking it, but based on track record and pure creative fucking genius, Lazy was the best choice.

However, out of those 3, Mandy was by far the best lip-syncer. She was so enjoyable to watch. I also love how she paints her face, and that she wears big hair with lots of movement. She just knows how to style herself, so she looks her best when she's performing.
I can't wait to see Vybe eat up an Vs. The World or Global All Stars. She's got such great presence and polish.

Of course, Ms. Susan was absolutely the perfect choice for the win after such a strong season and so many brilliant displays of creativity. She's the perfect queen to represent Australian drag at its most unserious-yet-inspired.

This was probably my favourite season of Down Under yet! S2 was great, but I felt like this was a stronger/more likeable set of queens and I thought Michelle did such a fantastic job as head honcho.

Also, stan Sophie Monk

This was a surprisingly great season - the even numbered seasons are taking it for DU.

Very high-calibre top 3, and even Freya proved her worth by the end. It’s great to see a season actually crown the correct winner and stick the landing - Lazy Susan is immediately such a standout winner within the entire global Drag Race set of winners, and (despite me having the biggest soft spot for Spankie) is probably the most well-rounded winner that leg of the franchise has ever produced. Vybe would’ve also been a great shout, and - like Hannah Conda was - feels immediately ready for a bigger stage.

I was very satisfied with this season, and it’s nice to see a franchise that’s had a shaky start manage to get two strong instalments under its belt.
The season of course suffered from a low budget, tired challenges and stale judging but the sheer strength and charisma of the cast made it enjoyable to watch. Nikita Iman was the most exciting queen to grace the Down Under stage yet, Lazy Susan felt like a correct winner, Vybe was a great runner up who I would love to see on a ‘Vs The World’ season and Freya was sweet and so easy to root for.
