Manuela Trasobares, bitch! That's mother.
I'm really enjoying the cast this season, lowkey already more than season 3. Now that Shani is gone (deservedly, but I hope it's not the last we see of her), I'm rooting for Le Cocó and La Niña. Oozing star power. My other favorites are Mariana, Vampirashian, and Chloe. Chloe's talent show... Exactly the type of stupid humor you actually need to be a comedy genius to deliver. If you didn't live for it, you are not an intellectual!
Angelita is a tough one, because I love her brand of busted old-school southern drag, and I even hold the hot take that she was the one who was robbed this episode, but she's also... stuck up to a point that veers on making her non-enjoyable. Plus she's kind of problematic, so I'm keeping her at a distance.
Next week's show being an Aquí no hay quien viva acting challenge with Loles León as the guest judge... brutal.