Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me
Score: 8.239
My Score: 8
Highest: 10 x 8 (@soratami, @yeRleDanaL, @Blond, @Hurricane Drunk, @Pineapple, @Robsolete, @phily693, @Music Is Death)
Lowest: 1 x 1 (@theincredibleflipper) 3 x 1 (@Verandi)
Pieces of Me was Ashlee's first single from her debut album Autobiography. It was released in 2004 and charted at #5 in the US.
The making of the song was showcased on her reality tv series, The Ashlee Simpson Show, and was inspired by her relationship with musician Ryan Cabrera.
The song also became infamous because her little lip-syncing mishap on Saturday Night Live. When she went to perform her second song of the night (which was supposed to be Autobiography), but a recording of Pieces of Me which she performed earlier was mistakenly played instead, exposing the fact that she was not actually singing live. This incident almost killed her career, which in hindsight was definitely an overreaction.
@theincredibleflipper (1) - Sorry I really hate this.
@berserkboi (6) - Never loved this, not that it’s terrible or anything - just a bit nothingy!
@Sprockrooster (6) - I never quite liked this. My stanning days with Ashlee began with Little Miss Obsessive which is still among my top 10 most played tracks ever according to LAST FM. A song. Pieces of Me is a bit meh and out there. Average.
@unnameable (9) - Wins the prize for most excessive use of gated reverb on drums since the 80s.
@DJHazey (8.5) - Of her two biggest hits on the album, this was always massively more catchy than Autobiography and I’ve always appreciated how much she goes for it in the chorus.
@Epic Chocolat (7) - An infamous SNL performance. The song in itself is fine but how can I ignore the infamy. I remember the hoopla the next day, the acid reflux talk, the GIFs.
@Memoria (9) - A much better song than the SNL disaster gives it credit for.
@livefrommelbs (9) - A classic. I like this one SO much more with nostalgia on its side than I did when it came out (but I liked it then too, teebs)
@Pineapple (10) - One of the best tracks between the Simpson sisters, Ashlee hit gold. Actual perfection.