Early 2000s Rock Chicks Rate

An ideal Top10! It will never happen but let me dream.


Avril Lavigne - I'm With You
Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending
Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home
Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean


Michelle Branch - Everywhere
Michelle Branch - All You Wanted
Kelly Clarkson - Behind These Hazel Eyes
Hilary Duff - Come Clean
Stacie Orrico - (There's Gotta Be) More To Life


Natalie Imbruglia - Wrong Impression
Listening to Sk8er Boi now, honestly I just feel bad for the other girl. The second verse comes off as especially mean

Five years from now, she sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV, guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends, they already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along, stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down
That was really cathartic set of eliminations. We really needed it.

The only song I really have issue with still being here Standing Still but know the Jewel stans came to play, otherwise I have some 7-ish scores for a group of songs I knew would be ranked highly so I really can't battle it too aggressively.
Honestly i'm surprised this song made it this far, but perhaps my judgement was clouded by the fact that I was very much a Hilary Duff hater growing up. I didn't have the language to describe it at the time, but to me she was the epitome of "white mediocrity". Like she wasn't a particularly good actress, singer, or​
, and yet she was building this huge commercial empire with her face on every t-shirt and backpack. It confused me... Anyway, Come Clean eventually grew on me after one too many Laguna Beach episodes but this song not so much...​

I have to agree a little bit. Maybe Hilary wasn't the best singer, or dancer, or actress, but she did have a lot of charisma. That helped her to get where she was at that point. 'So Yesterday' is very catchy, but 'Come Clean' was way better.


Staff member
Listening to Sk8er Boi now, honestly I just feel bad for the other girl. The second verse comes off as especially mean

Five years from now, she sits at home
Feeding the baby, she's all alone
She turns on TV, guess who she sees
Skater boy rockin' up MTV
She calls up her friends, they already know
And they've all got tickets to see his show
She tags along, stands in the crowd
Looks up at the man that she turned down

The lyrics for Sk8ter boy are so savage, but in that particular early naughties “I’m not like the cool girl way.” Like damn Avril, the girl let fears get in the way of a possible relationship. Why are you “punishing” her with a teen pregnancy? Well we all know why, but it’s not a word I like to write out.
That was really cathartic set of eliminations. We really needed it.

The only song I really have issue with still being here Standing Still but know the Jewel stans came to play, otherwise I have some 7-ish scores for a group of songs I knew would be ranked highly so I really can't battle it too aggressively.
And that's how MTV had the idea for the Teen Mom reality show.
Thinking of our eliminations:
I can't believe Hilary's people turned down "Boom Clap" as https://www.popjustice.com/articles/hilary-duff-interview/ claims.

Sk8ter boi's impact - my last PJSC entry has the words "just a tumblr girl and a skater boy, taking on the world, stuck in Illinois"

Oh, and Avril's "Rock and Roll" video makes me feel old as I realise that's Danica McKellar and they're deliberately quoting the wonder years.


Jewel - Standing Still




Score: 8.560

My Score: 8.5
Highest: 11 x 2 (@Sprockrooster, @berserkboi) 10 x 10 (@theincredibleflipper, @soratami, @yeRleDanaL, @fatyoshi, @unnameable, @pop3blow2, @Pineapple, @ohnostalgia, @Slice of Life, @londonrain)
Lowest: 4.5 x 1 (@Hurricane Drunk) 5 x 2 (@Blond, @phily693)

Standing Still was the first single from Jewel's third studio album This Way. It was released in 2001 and charted at #25 in the US.

She wrote the song after the release of her previous album, Spirit, while taking a break from her music career. In an interview backstage at the 2001 My VH1 Music Awards she explained the meaning behind the song:

"It's about the irony of how much a person travels in my job, and how it can really cause your emotional life to stand still. Fame really tolerates a prolonged adolescence, and your fame and career can outgrow your ability to handle it. You can get really spoiled, and I wanted to get away from that and make sure I wasn't standing still."

@Memoria (6.5) - The intro tricked me into thinking this would be something a bit moodier but sadly it never lived up to expectations. Another appropriate song title.

@DJHazey (6.75) - Not really sparking much interest in me but her voice is enough to make boring sound passable.

@livefrommelbs (8) - I never realised this was Jewel! This is nice.

@saviodxl (9.5) - Although she established herself as a countrystar, it's her attempts at being a popstar that got her some attention from me. Like in this track.

@unnameable (10) - After two albums of mixed brilliance and filler, this was the first time I heard Jewel and loved the opening few tracks of an album. “This Way” and “0304” are her best era.

@Pineapple (10) - Jewel’s voice is stunning, there’s an emotive quality about it that is pure gold. An anthem.

@berserkboi (11) - Jewel representation is always endorsed in Berserky World! EDIT: Putting my 11 support here I think!

@Sprockrooster (11) - Jewel has a special place in my heart. No matter what people say, but this is her best song. Back when I made own made tapes from radio rips this was actually the one which I taped the most. I was deeply in love with it and it just breathes nostalgia’s and high school feelings. There is something so powerfully captivating in those opening instrumentals and vocals. She really draws you into an emotional rollercoaster. A masterclass in writing. Not only an 11, but also an 11-contender for any early 00’s song.

