You know what, i'm feeling a lot of love for all the Spices lately. I kinda went off them a little with the whole tour fiasco and Australia missing out but that's old news now.
Lets face it, very few pop stars are able to stay relevant their entire careers in the one medium. Emma just screams morning tv and reality judge. This (along with Spice reunion stuff) is where her future lies now. From the beginning she was destined to be on tv and do the odd hosting gig.
The appeal of the Spice Girls was that they were/are five common girls who were all very relate-able. Apart from VB they still are. Yes they're filthy rich and could retire and never have to be public figures again but I'd much rather have them around, as would the general public (albeit just not in a solo singing capacity)!
Just like Geri, Emma's an icon of her time. Collectively (with the girls) she's a fantastic popstar, solo she's a very likeable personality. It makes sense for her to be doing this.