Ethel Cain - Perverts

Oh yeah, she’s fully said that the side project was to fulfill her contract with RX. I think she mentioned that she wasn’t doing anything else with Preacher’s Daughter until she’s out of it. Her tumblr is an interesting peek into the aesthetics she seems to be leaning towards. Lots of twinks, gay porn, and skater boys dd.

I'm obsessed with her Tumblr! I know she would resent yet another comparison but it feels like a similarly natural fit for her the way it did Lana circa 2013-15 (and still does nn).
Apart from the obvious reason I really am so excited for what she'll get up to once her Rx contract is fulfilled. I am also looking forward to her making good on her promise to really shake off the TikTok "lol meme album cannibalism" 'fans', as much as that makes me sound like a rotted Old gatekeeper
he/him/basic cishomo
Apart from the obvious reason I really am so excited for what she'll get up to once her Rx contract is fulfilled. I am also looking forward to her making good on her promise to really shake off the TikTok "lol meme album cannibalism" 'fans', as much as that makes me sound like a rotted Old gatekeeper
Her subreddit is so bad for this reason, she's clearly tapping into some Gen Z equivalent of emo aesthetic and I've already lived that life, thank you.
What a great interview. Lovely to see them both gush about each other's work, and how their music and live shows are inspiring each other. Particularly on the sentiment about going full in to the fantasy or character and how that practice was "inauthentic" at the time of Florence's come-up, but now is such a shared admiration. It's probably my favorite thing about pop music and artistry, so their insights just filled me with joy.
