Ah, Heaven. I've said enough about it in the past but really, no other song has come at such a beneficial time in my life as it did. It was the soundtrack to many nights spent staring at my ceiling fan, wondering why people have to eventually leave our lives and why I couldn't seem to cry and actually grieve. I thank Beyonce for giving voice to pain I couldn't articulate myself.
I Miss You is also one of my favorite songs remaining and I'd like to see it go to the top 10 as a representation of Beyonce at her most vulnerable; what I love about it is that there seems to be this inner struggle between the stoic and calculated Beyonce with the desire to open up and show a side of vulnerability. I've always applied the idea that her detachment is what potentially drove her partner away and that this is her first moment of opening up and actually confessing and showing her weakness. Up to the point of 4, Disappear was the closest companion point to something this ruminative, making it even more important.