The exposé.You're fine. I originally gave it a 4 but changed it to an 8 because I thought I'd get dragged for the low score.
The exposé.You're fine. I originally gave it a 4 but changed it to an 8 because I thought I'd get dragged for the low score.
Nice try binchAlso it turns out that said low score was actually put into spreadsheet incorrectly (@strangekin sis for fuck sake...) which changes "Blow" to No.26, moving "Baby Boy" and "I Miss You" up a spot. At this point, I fucking cannot be bothered going back to change everything, so it's all staying the same.
Me summarising your attempts at running this rate.Nice try binch
he’d quite literally blow his shit directly on the walls
@send photo worked in a bathhouse?!?!I kinda love the irony in @send photo having worked in a bathhouse
"Okay, so. When I worked at a bathhouse there was this one twink that was in the top 5 of my bad patron hitlist. Whenever he’d come in he had a playlist he never once deviated from blasting from his shitty phone speakers and this is the song that always kicked it off. So underneath the blaring club mixes of the bathhouse’s playlist you’d hear the indecipherable tinging of your favourite tunes not limited to but including Blow, Unusual You, and Pour It Up. If you’d follow the music you’d find an open room with a boy ass up gently swaying his hips eagerly awaiting some penetration. This seems harmless, but what really made him an abomination was the state of his room after. When any decent human being checks out they tidy up a bit. Throw those condoms in the convenient bedside trash, wipe off the shit from the walls, take the leftovers of your illegal drugs with you. But not this asshole. If ever I were to properly define slopabottomus it would be this hot mess. I hate the term triggering but every time I hear Blow I just think of how he’d quite literally blow his shit directly on the walls. I can’t eat skittles. I’ve deviated far from the rate and I don’t want any of this in the write ups, I just wanted you to understand why I gave Blow such an undeservedly low score."
Schoolin' Life should not be here.