SCORE: 8.792
11/10 x 1
Highest Score: 10 x 28 (
@ericcccc @FresherThanYou @theelusivechanteuse @push the button @Rogue @lalaclairi_ @Sam de Jour @RetroPhysical @strangekin @eccentricsimply @munro @K94 @Itty Bitty Piggy @supersoon @Mr.Arroz @send photo @Oceandrive @Subwaykid @Syzygyz @aaronhansome @enjoy @Terminus @Lost In Japan. @Push @PLUTO @Can't Speak French @Petty Mayonaise)
Lowest Score: 4 x 1 (
My Score: 8.5/10
Another one that sounds kind of eternally classic. It took me so long to come round to, but I think the reason is that I prefer Beyoncé when she’s at full throttle, and this kind of simmers. Yes, she brings it to the boil with those ridiculous key changes, but it’s very “was a HAC radio staple for nine months” isn’t it? In fact, it’s very that because it probably
was. But yes, a great, warm, breezy listen. Additional half point for the oddly poignant and melancholy Formation Tour version, along with just how much fun it is on tour in general.
eccentricsimply labels this as an, "Undeniable bop." while ericcccc simply makes us aware that, "She did that." Yes, we know, sis. What of
Sprockrooster? "I love to finger..." EXCUSE ME?! "...snap along on this one." Oh.
FresherThanYou attempts another one of those 10.5/10 things, so I guess he enjoys it, "My ultimate favourite Up Tempo Bey song. Happy care free, fun to (attempt to) sing! Will feature very heavily in my wedding." As if you're ever getting married, beast. "Fun and sweet, but a bit dated now." says
Remyky22, describing a good 25% of the forum in the process.
Oceandrive also speaks of weddings, "In years to come when we are dragged to the wedding receptions of couples we low key hate Beyoncé will bring the beat in and we will deal and we will get our lives. It feels like one of her most timeless efforts and a song that feels really important to her discography." Let's just steal a bottle of champagne and go smoke out at the bins.
CasuallyCrazed appears to have no joy in his heart, "There’s something off-putting about this song and all its key changes. It’s like all of Beyonce’s indulgent, competitive pageant traits came back out for that vocal." And it's
joe_alouder agrees with me, calling it, "Still audacious, silly and amazing." Yeah, I think that's a pretty accurate description.
ohnostalgia lets us know what the weather is is like in the Hundred Acre Woods, "Easy, breezy, beautiful key changes." As easy as a fictitious word can get.
IMHO is also all about Hate On Bottom (Christ that was awful I hate myself) "This obviously has its merits as a catchy, singalong ditty but the pastiche is too on the nose and the key changes are just irritating."
Jersey, on the other hand, is full of love, "What a track to announce your baby bump to. Simply iconic and a track that Whitney would have killed for back in the day." and Beginner agrees, "This song feels like sunshine. Perfect choice to introduce your baby bump to the world."
munro's jaw hits the floor, but his mouth is always open for something, "She shows off those pipes in this and my jaw hit the floor the first time I ever heard it."
constantino declares it, "Iconic!" and
Sam de Jour reminisces, " I was saying to a hunty the other day, standing in that stadium, singing the a capella of this, being so fucking extra with those key changes... Honestly one of the best moments of my entire life." Yeah, one of the funniest parts of the night was when Beyoncé let the entire audience flop with those key changes. Speaking of flop, it's
K94, "Queen of key changes, pregnancy reveals, and general follicle extraction." and weddings come up again in the form of
ThighHighs' commentary, "The song that I will be more than happy to hear at every single wedding I go to for the rest of my life. The key changes give me all of my life every single time, and the throwback New Edition vibe of the video only elevates the feeling of the video."
We'll close with
Push, who answers his own question, " Do I need to add anything?" Evidently, you decided you did, "This is one of my favorite Beyoncé songs because it's such a well-captured moment. It makes you happy within seconds, the production is fucking brilliant, one of her best vocal moments too."
"Love On Top" has replaced "Halo" as the
official song to make a fool of yourself to at one of Beyoncé's shows. However, the most notable performance was definitely at the VMAs in 2011, where the queen of media took the opportunity to announce she was pregnant. Beyoncé manages to serve vocals and choreography despite acid reflux and Blue Ivy stomping to the beat all over her vital organs, and still makes your fave look bitter, ugly, foul and talentless while leaving you messed, distressed, and most of all pressed about it. It was the same night Lady Gaga took the stage in drag and a bunch of children danced to Britney songs, so clearly the highlight of of a dreary evening.