Why does it make me think that if I Think We’re Alone Now is on the set list, it was a compromise between Cheryl and the other girls of having a ‘new cover’ or keeping it all Girls Aloud songs…
Lovely that it's being released on vinyl but the cover is really non-event and frankly ugly.
Damn indeed, I bought that vinyl so fast, but why’d they have to release it just before my holiday abroad! Girls Aloud stop trying to bankrupt me!
It’s not being released until August though…The fact that the megamix is released on vinyl might suggest that this is not the setlist, there’s no way they decided it 4 months ago…
you have to submit the tracks 6 months in advance to print vinyl if I’m not wrongIt’s not being released until August though…
Yes, but the execution could've been much better, it just looks ugly in my opinion, and very coverlandia esque in not good point. The background and the font is jarring.I like the cover, really. They lean more towards the ''elegant'' side of them than the ''fun'', but it's ok.