Probably just those two, at least for now. Though, we've lost regular characters around mid-season before (Riggs, DeLuca, Hayes, in recent-ish years) so nothing is really out of the question.Do we think more people will leave because of the budget cuts or is it really just going to be Levi and (my current favourite character) Yasuda?
I think it's always been pretty split - George certainly wasn't more adult than any of our current crop of interns, for example. But I do think Cristina always was. They also had those OG interns immediately romantically involved with the attendings, so the world's meshed right away. These interns have only ever dated each other, so it's easy for them to feel... separate? I thought maybe they'd go for Jules & Winston last year (I think you've mentioned this too?) which I was open to. I really want them to bring Lucas' mom in this year and have them play on the while Shepard connection more. Having them more linked to the attendings stories will help a lot.I think, most likely because I’ve grown up alongside the show the past 20 years, I’m more interested in new attendings rather than residents and interns. That’s part of why I loved Monica and I’m really excited to see Kali Rocha return. I can’t describe it but the cast of early seasons were written so much more like adults than any new interns or residents have been, they’re so cringe…
I think it's always been pretty split - George certainly wasn't more adult than any of our current crop of interns, for example. But I do think Cristina always was. They also had those OG interns immediately romantically involved with the attendings, so the world's meshed right away. These interns have only ever dated each other, so it's easy for them to feel... separate? I thought maybe they'd go for Jules & Winston last year (I think you've mentioned this too?) which I was open to. I really want them to bring Lucas' mom in this year and have them play on the while Shepard connection more. Having them more linked to the attendings stories will help a lot.
I do agree, though. Monica excites me more than any of the interns on their own. They did a great job introducing her last year.
Also the extended promo from the Disney panel going around online seems to imply...
That Jo & Link may be in a car accident right as she tells him that she's pregnant. I'm here for the show getting a little messier and looser than it was last year. Car accidents and bitch slaps?! That's what I'm signed up for.
Niko looks so daddy.
Also looks like Bailey is working at a different hospital (3rd picture here).