Horror films

Why did they decide to make another Orphan film after so many years? I wonder if there will be more planned after the second one?
Having a thousand god-awful Saw films has tainted what is an actually really good first movie, for me. I still find it scary (Adam's flat scene in the dark with only his camera flash still gives me heart palpitations), eerie and impactful, and as contrived as the plot twist is it's still a classic.

A 10th movie though, especially as terrible as Jigsaw and Spiral were... there's nowhere interesting for this franchise to go anymore.
Having a thousand god-awful Saw films has tainted what is an actually really good first movie, for me. I still find it scary (Adam's flat scene in the dark with only his camera flash still gives me heart palpitations), eerie and impactful, and as contrived as the plot twist is it's still a classic.

A 10th movie though, especially as terrible as Jigsaw and Spiral were... there's nowhere interesting for this franchise to go anymore.

I enjoyed the first 3 but after that I didn't bother.
Amanda WAS Saw.

Blergh, I really didn’t like Nope. I was so excited for it. Keke was great and the finale was good, but I found it incredibly slow. Everything took an age to happen.
The Saw aesthetic is so ugly and cheap. Not to mention that annoying ass editing.

Yes that is one of the main reasons, the early films look so digital and garish.

I watched Wacko, an early horror comedy spoof. It was light fun.


And The Medusa Touch, very 70's. I like the telekinesis movies that were so popular at the time. It was really good but the direction (lots of flashback scenes) was a little old fashioned.

Just saw Bodies Bodies Bodies and loved it. I'm always here for a good horror/thriller-comedy and this one struck the perfect balance for me. Like @lushLuck mentioned it wasn't scary, but often genuinely very tense, to the point my heart was racing. Easily one of my favorite films of the year. I kind of saw the ending coming, but thought it was perfectly fitting and probably wouldn't have it any other way.
And The Medusa Touch, very 70's. I like the telekinesis movies that were so popular at the time. It was really good but the direction (lots of flashback scenes) was a little old fashioned.
Love this film. Very much part of those big 70s religious/superstitious horrors. Richard Burton is very intense anyway and it's used to perfection in this.
