Horror films

I need to rewatch The Menu with altered expectations. I did like it a lot but kept waiting for it to boil over into full horror territory and it never really did. Thinking of it primarily a dark comedy is the best way to enjoy, I'd say.
Yeah, it's a near-perfect satirical dark comedy, but I wouldn't consider it horror in the slightest.
I’ve watched You Might Be The Killer today but it hasn’t really held my attention and I just looked up to see it’s still on and thought “fucking hell, how long is this” - I checked and it’s 1hr 32. Not a great sign!
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Watched Warning Signs from 1985. Overall it was solid if a little slow. Kathleen Quinlan slayed as usual. Speaking of that queen I was obsessed with this movie as kid even though it's probably awful

"They have 9 lives. We only have one." Iconic tagline though.
Strays is great fun for a TV movie, my Mum let me stay up and watch it when it was on some movie channel back in the early 90's.
Love a killer cat film, the first story in The Uncanny may never be beaten for me
So scrolling through the horror section on HBO Max I stumbled upon a 5 minute short film called "The Big Shave" I said why not it's only 5 minutes. As someone who always gets anxious during shaving scenes in tv/movies this was hard to sit through. Jesus christ.

Then I do some research and it was directed by Martin Scorsese!
"Our guests like to give back..."

Ok, Wreck really went up a couple of notches in its final episodes. I did not forsee the twist, lots of fun.
Also, she was so godawful yet so iconic at the same time. A true heir to Jessica Cauffiel's prowess.

I also caved in and watched Terrifier 2 nn it is much better than the first one, no doubt about it. I still wouldn’t say that I liked it tho. The scene in the costume shop did make me laugh and the final girl was pretty good.

Other than that I thought it was too long and still too… mean spirited? I also think as I’m growing older I’m having the opposite reaction of being desensitized to gore, so I huh hated that scene. Still, I’m intrigued to see what’s next for the franchise.
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Inland Empire

Staff member
Would Terrifier 2 be triggering to someone (it’s me, hi) with an aversion to gross shit? Gore is usually fine, but I really struggle with vomit, spit etc.
The Fog has put me on a big Carpenter kick. First time viewing Prince of Darkness was a lot of fun. It’s takes a *very* long time to get going and it’s far too daft of a movie to pull off anything actually thought-provoking with the theoretical physics/philosophy stuff BUT, that final 30 minutes? A riot, and totally worth the slow build-up.

Carpenter really had the keenest eye for small, disquieting details that make the skin crawl. The scene with that guy’s body just folding in on itself and his empty suit crumbling in the dark - so haunting.
Thought I'd landed a great deal with the Blu Ray of Piranha (the OG) on the cheap - turns out it's a bare bones disc. Why even produce such a thing?

Finally watching Get Out for the first time (ending got spoiled years ago). The sound of that spoon in the teacup... yikes. What a scene.
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The Fog has put me on a big Carpenter kick. First time viewing Prince of Darkness was a lot of fun. It’s takes a *very* long time to get going and it’s far too daft of a movie to pull off anything actually thought-provoking with the theoretical physics/philosophy stuff BUT, that final 30 minutes? A riot, and totally worth the slow build-up.

Carpenter really had the keenest eye for small, disquieting details that make the skin crawl. The scene with that guy’s body just folding in on itself and his empty suit crumbling in the dark - so haunting.
Prince of Darkness is so good! Gotta love Carpenter’s Apocalypse Trilogy. In the Mouth of Madness and especially The Thing get most of the attention—rightly so—but Prince of Darkness is also great. And woof. Mustache goals.
I've pretty much drained Netflix of decent horrors. Would anyone say these are worth watching?

There's Someone Inside Your House - I like the sound/look of this but the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes/IMDB are so low
Wrong Turn (2021) - I loved the original but I've heard this one is very different
The Boy II
Death Note
