I'm preparing for the inevitable car crash of the upcoming remake (sequel?) by rewatching I Know What You Did... and the atmosphere and the cinematography in it is gorgeous, especially for something that has the reputation of a bad post-Scream cash in.
That said, unfortunately, the wheels completely fall off after Helen (one of the best chases ever? Incredibly paced and scored) and Barry (who looks like an early 00s Falcon model) die cause they're just too fun to root for not to mention the surprising amount of depth the former has. Julie is simply fine despite Jennifer's... admirable attempts at giving her some character and Ray is boring as fuck and only serves as a terrible red herring. The fact that he survives this and the sequel (in which if I remember correctly he has the exact same purpose pffft)... Dewey teas!
And I know that the book is unadaptable but them turning the premise on its head by making the characters pretty much innocent with that confusingly convoluted twist is just lame. It's not like slashers are a stranger to that kind of moral ambiguity so it's disappointing.
I might rewatch the sequel because I remember Brandy being a surprisingly great scream queen and the awkward scene of Julie singing I Will Survive off-key is simply too good to pass on