Horror films

I know its intentionally ambiguous but I've always wondered what most people think happened in Black Christmas? Does Jessica kill Peter because she thinks he is the killer? Does Billy "kill" them both but she makes it out alive?

I always laugh at Claire's boyfriend being like "has anyone told Phyllis' boyfriend?!!" at the end, as if we are supposed to remember that frizzy guy shown in two scenes for 45 seconds each an hour prior.
I know its intentionally ambiguous but I've always wondered what most people think happened in Black Christmas? Does Jessica kill Peter because she thinks he is the killer? Does Billy "kill" them both but she makes it out alive?
I always assumed she fainted from shock after attacking him with the poker

Also not related to your post, and I might be making this up, but I think I remember reading somewhere that the studio wanted Claire's boyfriend to be revealed as the killer but Bob Clark insisted on the open, ambiguous ending (and thank god for that)
Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 is my yearly Christmas film. So good.

