I struggled with this initially and ended up semi-giving up after episode 6, but I’ve finally gone back to it and finished the series. Episode 9 was a whirlwind.
However, I’ve got a few questions, can anybody help clarify a few bits for me (also I don’t know if I’m spelling half these names right):
However, I’ve got a few questions, can anybody help clarify a few bits for me (also I don’t know if I’m spelling half these names right):
- Is princess rhaenys (lady of driftmark) King Viseryus’s sister?
- Is Aegon’s wife his sister? Same for Aemond?
- Is Ser Crispin Cole having a fling with Alicent?
- Is Larys (foot fetish guy) a relation or does he just snoop about and collect gossip?
- Why does Alicent want Aegon to be king? Simply because it’s her husbands (supposed) dying wish? Or because she feels as though she’ll essentially be the ruling queen as she’ll keep him under control and do her bidding? Because she knows he’s a bit useless, so it seems weird why she’s fighting his corner so much.
- Why don’t the small council want Rhaenyra (Matt smith’s wife/niece) to be queen? Good ole fashioned misogyny? Or because she’s not easily controlled? And is that why they want Aegon, because they’ll control him?
- Is Rhaenyra bastard children’s dad still alive? Or was he killed? I can’t remember.
- Did we already know Rhaenyra was pregnant? Had I missed that?
- Why are they referring to the Alicent etc as the Greens?