I Came, I Saw, I Conquered: The Madonna Discography Rate, Part III - The 21st Century

Hold your horses everyone coming for Confessions. Think there needs to be a bit of fat trimmed from American Life first.
I Deserve It > X-Static Process, there, I said it.
Oh yes, please keep letting me be great... I'm a bit gutted this isn't higher, but then I do have a lot of tens left.
And let's leave American Life how it is for now lads.
they / them
I really, really hate the lyrics to I Deserve It, and they prevent me from giving it more than an average score.

It's not as if I dislike all the Guy-period love songs, so it's not the principle of the thing - these are just a horrid combination of trite and submissive that really galls me.
The harder you drag me the louder I laugh so I hope it's me.
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I maybe drag someone more than usual in the next write up.

Pass it round girls!!!
I love Holy Water but agree it's probably time.

Interestingly...if we're playing the "My 10's!!!" game (I mean, we're not but if we were) I've yet to lose any of my 12/13. *hair swish*

That said, Holy Water was a 9 so my Red Wedding is surely to come soon.
