I Think I'm Gonna Win This Time: The One Direction Discography Rate

Take Me Home seems like their weakest album.
Oh, sis. Oh, they're gonna come for you.

Two albums in and nary a 0 in sight. Doing far better than I expected honestly.

I know Made in the AM has one 0 though.
@ohnostalgia I love you and that was one of the best rate introductions I've ever read.

But I don't think I have the willpower to sit through 5(!) albums worth of One Direction when I only like a handful of tracks.

I will happily stan Drag Me Down, Stockholm Syndrome and Steal My Girl from the outskirts, however.

Deleted member 3416

Oh, sis. Oh, they're gonna come for you.

Two albums in and nary a 0 in sight. Doing far better than I expected honestly.

I know Made in the AM has one 0 though.

I don't even care if they come for me. @ohnostalgia knows I'm no One Direction stan. It's just my first impression, what do the 1D fans think is the weakest album?


Staff member
Hey everybody, sorry I just woke up (I have an awful headache I have an excuse!)

What does everybody think of April 12 as a deadline? I'm mainly thinking this for the new people who want to participate.

And seriously I will finish this it's not in my personality to leave things undone.
Ha, I was just confused by it is all.
nostalgia said she doesn't leave things undone, i.e., she does things. I was suggesting that you were "things."

It's a common Twitter joke. "Person A walks into a meeting late and says, 'Sorry I'm late, I was doing stuff.' Person B walks in, their hair and clothes messy, and says, 'I'm stuff.'"
