I have a LOT of them, but still.
#54. Hit 'n' Hide - Space Invaders - 6.497
After 5: #62
After 10: #61
After 15: #56
After 20: #55
After 25: #50
After 30: #52
Final: #54
Highest: 10 x 3 (
@31entrance) 9.1 x 1 (
@berserkboi) 9 x 2 (
Lowest: 2.5 x 1 (
@Ray) 3 x 1 (
Album: On a Ride (1998)
Best Charts: #1 (Denmark), #4 (Norway), #18 (Sweden)
Producers: Jam & Delgado (Aqua, Daze, Ace of Base)
Denmark, ladies and gentlemen. As far as voting factions go, it's tied for the biggest region there is. On the other hand, we've now lost almost half of it. Go figure.
So what do you guys suppose Hit 'n' Hide means, anyway? Is it like hide and seek, only a little more violent? Or maybe it's like a hit and run, only then you have to hide from the cops.
Anyway, they debuted in the late 90s with 'Sundance'. If you've had it with Euro summer bops by now, this is not the song for you.
(I have not had it with Euro summer bops. Consider yourselves warned.)
'Space Invaders', Hit 'n' Hide's definitive, well, hit, comes from that time in pop history when the new millennium was a
thing and everyone was looking to the future for inspiration. Let's all go into space and meet aliens.
Oh my god, you guys, Y2K. Remember what a big deal that was at the time? I wore a silver top and matching silver glitter eyeshadow and thought it was so cool and ~futuristic~ because I was 12.
That's from the 'Happy New Year' post in my A*Teens rate. I was going to say it but I got the feeling I already had.
Like PJ song contest veteran
@Sprockrooster, you might recognize 'Space Invaders' from PJOPS 24, where I gave it approximately half its points. Entering bubblegum dance is risky business—even if you're
@imaduck. Give
@DJHazey a hug. Combayah deserved better.
Apparently Hit 'N' Hide attempted a more mature sound and image with their second album and it didn't go over so well. Will nobody ever learn from this?!
@31entrance (10) - the danish did eurodance the best let's all face it.
You. I like you.
@Seventeen Days (7.5) - Honestly, I gave this a .5 point bonus for the girl’s ridiculous hair in the video. But actually I quite like this, it’s got a good melody.
@Sprockrooster (9) - Wasn't this entered by
@imaduck in PJOPS and a winner from that contest? I would imagine it would have done exceptionally well.
Yes. And no. It did exceptionally well on my ballot, however...
Keep entering bubblegum dance classics and all my 12s will be really blatantly obvious.
@berserkboi (9.1) - Fun!
@One Stop Candy Shop (8) - UFO come let's go! I remember this single being released here in Belgium in the slipstream of Aqua and Daze but it flopped. It's actually better than I remember.
It was released here in Canada, too! At least I definitely heard it on the radio...
@Hudweiser (5.5) - Bit of a cheap Aqua carpetbagger, but the production is quite nice.
@phily693 (7) - I really, really like the production and think I’d love the instrumental without those irritating vocals.
Indeed, the vocals were a topic of discussion...
@ohnoitisnathan (5.5) - More helium vocals.
@Cutlery (6.2) - Her vocals were quite a choice.
@Empty Shoebox (4) - I vaguely remember this. I don't remember it being such a blatant Aqua rip-off though. It seems to have run out of ideas by about 01:45.
They do have the same producers, to be fair!
@sfmartin (6) - Derivative.
@CasuallyCrazed (3) - I remember downloading this from kazaa in 2001 mislabelled as new Aqua and being so disappointed.