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148th Place
Private Show
(from Glory)
Average: 5.531
High Scorer: 10 x 1 (
Low Scorers: 0 x 4 (
@Ana Raquel,
My Score: 8.5
Private Show appears as track 4 on the Glory album. It was written by Britney with Carla Marie Williams, Tramaine Winfrey and Simon Smith, being produced by Winfrey (vocal production by Thomas Mischke). The song was released as a promotional single for the album, and was also chosen as the name of her latest fragrance at the time, even getting its own TV commercial featuring the song:
My thoughts: I've always really liked this, I don't really understand the bad reputation it has. It's not her best recorded vocal ever but she sounds like she's having a fucking blast singing it and I love that for her. I also think it's funny that Britney and Little Mix released albums called Glory/Glory Days so close together, both featuring a song called Private Show!
@JMRGBY (7) I know this is gonna get crucified in the comments but I think this is so quintessentially Britney. She just sounds like she had so much fun singing this.
She really does doesn't she?
@boombazookajoe (3) I don't think it's particularly controversial to say that Britney is certainly not the best vocalist in the game, even if I would argue that she has one of the most distinct and IMPORTANT voices in pop music in the last 30 years. Anyway, that's all to say, that few songs do I really think "Wow, she sounds AWFUL here" but this is certainly one of them. It's an inspired instrumental and the vocal take is just -- dreadful.
@blaze_dave (7.5) It's a fun song but a bit hit and miss. You have to be in the mood to listen to this.
@Rantaro (9.2) I know a lot of people hate this, but I absolutely love it. I think it’s great! Absolutely love her vocal performance on it.
@livefrommelbs (4) Let the record state that these four points are solely for the fact that Brit sounds like she's enjoying herself, and that makes me feel nice.
Queen of generosity!
@Ana Raquel (0) This is the second time in my entire life I've listened to this song. The first time was when Glory was released. And I hope I don't need to listen to it ever again, because it is UNBEARABLE. She sounds awful. Even Donald Duck with flu would sound less nasal than that. The only compliment? The homonymous perfume smells good.
@chrisjche (6.5) While the vocal production on this is questionable, at least she sounds like she’s having fun!
@stereosalt (9) I’m a Private Show Stan!
Me too!
@AstronautMikeDexter (7) It’s silly and goofy and I like it.
@M24 (0) The vocals in this one… I know this is probably her natural voice now, but I can't help but find it annoying to listen to.
@daninternational (4) Meghan Trainor?
Get that fire exit door I'm off!
@WhenTheSunGoesDown (4) I have never been able to listen to this song without laughing. The vocals are so dark sided. I love it.
@BeingNormal (1) I feel cringe, not sexy
Some people have not put on a private show OR pulled the curtains until they closed and it shows!
@Guyhawke! (8) The instant-grat songs released prior to ‘Glory’ are amongst my least favourites on the album. However, after surviving ‘Britney Jean’ it was an enormous relief to hear Personalitney show up on each and every one. And not just show up, but chew the scenery like her life depended on it. Britney’s vocals on ‘Private Show’ are exaggerated to the point of parody, transforming what could have been a sexy come-on into a comic romp. You can tell Britney isn’t taking herself seriously, bleating over the (show me how you) burlesque arrangement with a knowing wink. ‘Private Show’ isn’t a great song, but it’s an absolute riot to listen to.
@Milotic (5) I just can't stand the chorus ddd. There are good moments, though.
@BreatheBox (5) ridiculous but kinda fun
@Runawaywithme (7) I can see this song getting quite a bit of a hard rep, but I just can't help but love it. It's ridiculous. It's silly. It's camp. It's like Megan Trainor on acid. Britney sounds like she's having a blast. Also "apple pie/satisfy" is a genius lyrical couplet.
@lilylu (10) I imagine this will be divisive, but this is everything I love about Britney. Her albums would be nothing without a quirky avant garde moment. It's personality, it's humor, and I think this is what makes Britney who she is.
I agree.