I'm not bothered waiting until January for my Info Tech Girlie needs. Some things are worth the wait.
And while (of course) it would be great to have the album sooner, March will be here before we know it.
Maybe I'm just not one to nit-pik much, but I'm super impressed by her rollout actually. She's provided us a constant drip since Angel, and is continuing to do so up to album release. She's giving us at least 5(!!!) visuals, when her label likely only contributed to budgets for two (Angel and FUFN I'm guessing). The cover photos and art direction have been stellar. From Midnight Cowboy jockstraps to Fantasy butt-plugs, the merch has been great fun. And most importantly, the music has been absolutely fantastic!
A few more performance promo spots and some much deserved proper appreciation from the GeePee aside, I can't imagine wanting anything more. Your Honor. Ladies and gentleman, theys and thems of the Jury. Hold on tight. She's serving.