I feel like she’s telling a story with the music she has put out already. Each song definitely feels like it has come from a cohesive body of work but they also have enough differences to keep it sonically interesting.
Angel Of My Dreams was obviously a total game-changer. A pop moment. And Fantasy has the disco influence, which sets it apart from the other three songs released. Midnight Cowboy and It Girl really fill the gaps in between and help us to understand the sonic world she is creating.
From everything we have heard of Fufn so far, it sounds as though she is going to do some completely different from the four songs released so far.
Angel Of My Dreams was obviously a total game-changer. A pop moment. And Fantasy has the disco influence, which sets it apart from the other three songs released. Midnight Cowboy and It Girl really fill the gaps in between and help us to understand the sonic world she is creating.
From everything we have heard of Fufn so far, it sounds as though she is going to do some completely different from the four songs released so far.