Harpoon, whose real name is Tom Hull, also worked with Ware on her debut album Devotion, where they crafted one of her most iconic tracks, Wildest Moments, a powerful bell-synth anthem.
While they haven’t teamed up since 2019’s Mirage (Don’t Stop), Ware hints at a possible reunion as she wraps up her current album cycle and looks ahead to a new musical era. She's all in for another collaboration, and she'd love to bring her old friend Jack Peñate into the mix too.
“I text him the other day,” she reveals, before adding: “I feel like there's something to be done with us three, and maybe I just need to take a trip to Los Angeles, or when he comes over here.
“I'd love to work with Kid Harpoon again. I love him. He's my really good pal and I feel like we've got some more 'Wildest Moments' in us.
“We need to just bring up the tempo this time.”
Hinting at what her next chapter could look like, Ware teases: “I've got a plan that this record is going to kind of finish off this kind of disco world that I've had so much fun in, and then the next record I kind of want to do something a bit different. So maybe that would work.”
At the end, I’m not sure if She is talking about That! Feels Good (closing the disco vibe) or the next one.