Justin Bieber - Boyfriend (1st Single)

He / Him / His
What a disappointment. It's like showing thirty seconds of the 'Slave' video to fans and then putting out a re-shot version in a sunny meadow with Britney wearing a turtle-neck
I wonder why they changed it? Judging by the 'Bieber makes me wet' trending topics I doubt it's because it's a bit too 'sexy' for his fanbase, surely?
Britney in a turtle neck? lol that would be a turnaround. I got a good chuckle from that!

I wonder if the "new" version was cheaper. The whole thing was just very underwhelming...the only thing I like about the video is that the mood is more appropriate for spring/summer than the "original" concept. I think it bodes well for radio play, anyway.
Umm I know how much everyone loves this song, so I'll just post this to ruin everyone's day.

