New release from CLOUD who was recently signed to Yerin’s label. I’m loving it so far.
Here's your weekly dose of nugu exellence.
Ddd, she really does!I don’t know if I’m just missing WJSN too much but one of those girls really looks like Yeonjung.
The song is not bad at all! Apparently it’s by the team that did Obliviate?
I go with nee-zee-oo which i believe is the japanese pronunciation.If I could bring it back to the pronunciation discussion, how are people saying NiziU???
How did the Brave Girls track get so successful all of a sudden? what triggered it?
I'm sorry if this has been posted already, but I thought this was a really sweet video -- a bunch of kids who don't know who SHINee are review their career along with them.
When they got to Good Evening and the girl asked why Jonghyun wasn't there and Minho saying he wasn't well broke me...