Katy Perry - 1432

The shot is also kinda giving
Do I stream her new album? No.
Would I go see her live? Absolutely.

She’s generally a fun popstar who has hits upon hits. Announce the UK dates pronto.
Exactly. She's got the hits and is an incredible performer, so i had no doubt she would do well selling tickets.

The whole 143 era was the biggest misstep and it showed.

I would still go and see her, and hoping that she will leave most of 143 off the setlist.
Been to every Katy tour (and even went to her first ever UK show at 250 capacity Water Rats in 2008 dd), was toying with Vegas at one point etc. But the thought of being in the audience to enjoy what should be a feel good show, celebrating her career would feel so forced right now? The last thing I want to do is line the pockets of those gross men who were congratulating Luke recently.

Also, since nothing has been addressed around the issues and failings of 143 and her being the literal entertainer we've know her to be, I really wouldn't put it past her to just have a giant elephant on stage with her at some part in the show, pointing at it and being like "lol guys! but here I am!"
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I couldn’t in good conscience go and see her live. Despite my love for her first 2 albums, I definitely feel that the 143 era killed any kind of support for her.

But I hope that those of you that go have a good time and that she doesn’t perform Woman’s World.
