Katy Perry - 1432

I definitely think a move to pop-rock is the right decision going forward, but at the same time it would be a huge bummer if this album was the last time she did dance music. For better or worse, her previous forays into the genre still felt imbued with her songwriting idiosyncrasies and personality, while 143 reads like a half-hearted attempt by a mid-tier AI at recreating a "Katy Perry dance album".

She should definitely still dabble in it, but I don't think it needs to be a full record. And I would hope it's more inventive than just using "Walking On Air" or "Swish Swish" as her template. I actually think she could do some killer trance inspired tracks. Something like Tiesto's iconic "Silence" remix.

The problem is that Katy's record company clearly employs no competent A&R people any more. To be fair, in the 2020s they've probably sacked everyone who's not got dirt on the boss in the name of cost-cutting, so there's probably about as much interest in doing the job right as when Decca released the Peter Wyngarde album and had to recall it two weeks later.
Where's a John Kalodner when you need him?
The problem is that Katy's record company clearly employs no competent A&R people any more. To be fair, in the 2020s they've probably sacked everyone who's not got dirt on the boss in the name of cost-cutting, so there's probably about as much interest in doing the job right as when Decca released the Peter Wyngarde album and had to recall it two weeks later.
Where's a John Kalodner when you need him?
This is delusional. The problem here isn't that the songs could be better, it's that they're bad.

She, at the very least, should be expected to have passable taste.
he / him
A good A&R team could definitely have helped shaped this better, or at least warned how out of date it is in the current pop landscape.

I do hear the faint sparkle of classic back-end Teenage Dream/Prism in 'Artificial' and 'Wonder', and 'All the Love' is kind of how I expected her to go. 'Woman's World' is very obviously trying to be 'Stupid Love' but I think there could've been a 'Hot to Go' attempt buried deep deep within it too.

A disaster all around basically, I do spin the album and I think it's passable but not what we deserved.
I'm always confused by people saying these songs were just 'undercooked.' This album wouldn't have been saved by an extra verse on one song and a bridge added to a few others. Beefed-up production couldn't save it. It was rotten to the core. The entire thing is plagued by lazy production, boring, cliche (frequently embarrassing) lyrics, and a very blatant 'this is what they want from me, right?' cynicism that wreaked of everyone involved being completely artistically checked out. She didn't need extended versions of these tracks; she needed to throw them all out and start from scratch. She should have skipped the deluxe entirely and just chucked out a new single or feature in Q1 that's completely detached from this project.

If any good comes of this, I hope it's Katy being able to see that chart-chasing isn't going to work. I don't care if she does dance, pop rock, acoustic, or anything else, she just needs to get into the studio for a reason other than, 'try to make a hit'. Her stuff has always been patchy for me, but she can't be written off entirely. She has incredible pop sensibilities when she's at her best, and there's no reason to believe she can't achieve the same again. As others have pointed out, Never Really Over and Daises aren't that old. She's more than capable of pushing herself and creating fun, interesting music still. But she needs to get the fuck away from Luke and focus on what she actually wants to say rather than what she thinks people want to hear.
