Kitty Brucknell



I wonder why she bought an outfit like this? Love that the Daily Mail hasn't recognised the similarities.
Oh dear God that catsuit is vulgar. Camel toe much??!

Nice to see her on Harry's show. She needs to be on lots of stuff now if she's going to remain in the public consciousness.
steste said:
Sugaboy said:
Oh dear God that catsuit is vulgar. Camel toe much??!

I was thinking that too. I was under the impression you had to be obese to have a camel toe?!

No, you just have to be female and wearing clothes that are tight in the vagina area.
Apparently she lost her voice and didn't get to perform at G-A-Y. That's a shame, you can tell she would have really been in her element there.
How dare women have vaginas. It's bad enough that we know they're there, but a fabric crease that makes it obvious? Disgusting.
