Kylie Minogue - Golden

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I must be the only person that prefers the single edit of Lifetime To Repair

I prefer it too. I find the chorus in the original pretty poorly produced and the single version makes it quieter with more melody. It sounded very odd the first few listens cause I'd heard the original so much so it felt like it turned to an instrumental version during the chorus. Then I got used to the single edit and enjoy it a lot more.
Raining Glitter has been the most unfairly judged track I think. It was a terrible decision to put it out as a preview track. We were looking to see if we were getting anything actually interesting out of the "country" concept musically after the gimmicky strumming, and the track was basically the epitome of that over a conventional disco Kylie tune. A pity for the bad showcase because the song is actually massive.
I think it's more than fair to call "Dancing", "Stop Me From Falling", "A Lifetime to Repair", and "Raining Glitter" as BIG Kylie songs. I love Golden. The single edit of "Lifetime" really sucked the life out of it though, didn't it?
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