Kylie Minogue - Tension II

Quality control strikes again. We need more Someone For Me and less Dance To The Music. Of the new new songs, there are at least 3 (maybe 4) that should’ve been scrapped.
Excluding the single Lights Camera Action - Taboo and Dance to the music have an obvious disco/throwback sound and Shoulda left ya has a Sabrina Carpenter ballad-ish feel to it, but most of the other songs all have a very similar sound.
They sound quite steely and cold, and avoid of emotion in her vocal delivery, but this is probably intentional.

Sayhey is saying Someone for me has been sent to radio.
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It’s Popnotronic!

On 2nd listen & While I can’t see this being in anyone’s top 3 Kylie albums I know I’ll play it loads more than a lot of her catalogue as it’s a fun easy listen.
I expect I’ll play it loads in the car for instance.
Like when Disco came along, I need fun boppy Kylie in my life right now.
Hoping for a bit more substance for KM17 though.

Agree with it being a Padam-Disco mash.

The bit in Diamonds that robs blind Bad Romance’s walk walk fashion baby bit…

Shoulda left ya should be track 5 to break up the bops
All I'm doing with this is adding Lights Camera Action (Extended), Edge of Saturday Night, Good As Gone and My Oh My to the original Tension album then removing Hands, 10 out of 10, Just Imagine and Love Train. A bulletproof pop record!
I think Hello is my favourite here in its 90s trance leanings. I’m surprised at how much of a disco influence was on alot of the tracks - not necessarily a bad thing as I love the disco genre but I was expecting more tracks in the same vibe as the Tension title track.
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Hmm, I do really like these songs if I'm kinda mindlessly bopping along, but listening closer... everything here could have been pushed further. There's nothing I'd say is outright bad, but I'm desperate for something with more meat to it after the last few albums. Everything sounds like I can hold it for a few days before it disintegrates and blows away.

Here's hoping she comes up with something a bit more fresh sounding with her next proper project.
Album review: The Times gives TENSION II 4 stars ★★★★ — "This is tight, disciplined pop disco, with hooks that draw you in and feverish climaxes in all the right places." :

Album review: Slant Magazine gives TENSION II a score of 3.5 out of 5. — "The album is her most ingratiating collection of dance-pop songs since Aphrodite." :
I am in love with this, seriously, its just the pick me up i need to destress and forget the bullshit i’ve been having to deal with the last wee while. Anyhow, the way i’m looking at it, its a nice little bonus to close out the Tension era. It’s so much better than i anticipated.

Someone For Me, Kiss Bang Bang, Hello, Diamonds, Taboo, Dance To The Music, are already big favourites, my partner who can be hard to please with modern pop stuff is overwhelmingly approving of the album too. I think its a solid little pop album.
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Her quality control has been God awful for so long. I know, I know... she's basic and we're all just supposed to be okay with that. But can she do basic while also giving us bops? (X, Aphrodite, hell even Kiss Me Once...) If it's not a country song (who wanted that? seriously) ruined by banjos, then it's some dreadful 2:30 eastern European slop, and if it is the rare good song then it's ruined by her overly nasal recorded-in-the-cupboard vocals. What's up with the background singers doing audible adlibs and verses? Record the whole song Kylie. And don't get me started on how gaudy and terrible most of the art direction has been for like a decade... I'm really trying to restore my faith in her and hoping she steers back to something decent but I guess this is just what she does now.
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