Kylie Minogue

I always thought the story was that Impossible princess wasn't held back like it was in the UK? It should have been out early September, I know Aus release dates were often different, but that seems odd, or was it just pulled everywhere?
I always thought the story was that Impossible princess wasn't held back like it was in the UK? It should have been out early September, I know Aus release dates were often different, but that seems odd, or was it just pulled everywhere?
I think it was pulled everywhere. Australia still has a sizable UK diaspora, and only two years after this, there was a referendum where they chose to keep the Queen as head of state and remain a monarchy. And I believe Diana was just as popular there as she was in the UK, but I don't think there was any of the embarrassing displays of public and media sentiment that afflicted our cold, wet, miserable island, so the title remained intact over there.
I always thought the story was that Impossible princess wasn't held back like it was in the UK? It should have been out early September, I know Aus release dates were often different, but that seems odd, or was it just pulled everywhere?

Yeah I thought it had come out in Australia in 1997 as planned and only we in the UK got the major delay.
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I wonder if Kylie would have returned to Pop if Impossible Princess had been more successful?
I think she would have sensed the coming change in the air so to speak. I think if had it been a hit album with some top ten chart placings, it wouldn't have much of a shelf life beyond 1998 due to the shifts that took place behind the scenes that year that became visible the following year. 1999 was the big turning point for the music industry for multiple reasons, in terms of buisness, genre and pop culture. Even if Impossible Princess had done decent numbers in the UK, the relationship with BMG had broken down, and we know deep down that DeConstruction would have still gone bust eventually. As for what kind of direction she would have went in, I think she was ready to return to pop anyway? She had scratched that itch and lived her indie/wildnerness days in the late 90s.
Spice Girls broke down those doors, the tides had turned and pop was back in the late 90s. I have no doubt Kylie would have made Light Years even if Impossible Princess had been more successful.
Spice Girls broke down those doors, the tides had turned and pop was back in the late 90s. I have no doubt Kylie would have made Light Years even if Impossible Princess had been more successful.
As Lights Years remains my favourite Kylie album, I for one am glad she did make the return to pop when she did!
On the Kylie Party Mix I found on some old CD, the Shocked rap appears several times, but with extra parts than the DNA Mix has - is there a version with two raps, or both raps combined into one longer one?
On the Kylie Party Mix I found on some old CD, the Shocked rap appears several times, but with extra parts than the DNA Mix has - is there a version with two raps, or both raps combined into one longer one?

The 12" version is the only official version that has both raps.
Presumably there could be a 7" version with both raps but so far it hasn't been released.

Rather interestingly Kylie's done the second rap instead of the one in the single version during the T In The Park performance in 1995.
