So, like I said a single is leaving...
@Verandi - 10 Y'all can stay mad at this one! It's the catchiest song on the album and the most obvious single they could have picked after the first two. It also does everything that Golden was supposed to do a thousand times better.
@Hudweiser - 9 If memory serves, this song appeared some months before anything else. It would've been a great bridging single between campaigns, as it's uplifting and happy and probably would've given her a nice tide-over hit. As it is, it doesn't sit so well with the rest of Aphrodite.
@CasperFan - 8 Love the song, but should not have been a single.
@M24 - 7 I like parts of it, but overall it doesn't scream single material to me.
@mrdonut - 7 I don’t actually think this is terrible and the Dolly Parton litmus test shines through. It just doesn’t belong on this album.
@nanafan - 6 I don’t dislike it but it’s definitely one of her weaker singles. Great X Factor performance though.
@hawkings24 - 6 I just don't care for this song to be honest.
@Untouchable Ace - 3.5 Just, no.
@Andsov - 2 How this was considered good enough for a single release is still beyond me. I like this song less and less with every listen.
@MrJames - 2 Without a doubt the weakest track on the album. The only track that I’ve just never been able to connect with. It just really doesn’t suit the tone of the album. I’d probably like it more if it wasn’t on this album.