Finally breaking the seven average with this next one...
@Andsov - 10 So naff, such fun. The rap, THE RAP. I have been obsessed with this song for 30 years.
@mrdonut - 9 I simply adore the early 90s production and Kylie getting all sultry and sassy. The rap from The Poetess (why was she uncredited?) is amazing.
@Maki - 8.5 One of my faves from "Rhythm of Love". I love the reggae/tropical influences, as well as the quite adorable melody. The production is really good, too. Even the old school rap and the 'conversation' theme charmed me. Oh, and I thought that the singing part of the middle-8 is a sample, since it sounds so familiar to me. Not as amazing as he PWL heights, although remains a very enjoyable bop.
@nanafan - 8 I like it more now than I did at the time and I think it was the Anti Tour performance that did that. All about the rap
@CasperFan - 7.5 Another song that the Anti-tour made me fall in love with all over again. The rap is cute and cringey at the same time.
@M24 - 4.5 Kylie promoting monogamy! Listen up boys. Surprisingly, I'm totally into that rap section, not because of the rapper, but because of Kylie's interaction with her.
@Untouchable Ace - 3.5 The backing vocals don't work.