Kylie: The Complete Discography Rate - Part. 1 The Albums+ (RESULTS! 2nd place & WINNER!)

What is your favourite Kylie era?

  • PWL Years: 1989-1993

    Votes: 21 14.8%
  • Deconstruction: 1994-1999

    Votes: 25 17.6%
  • Parlophone+: 2000-

    Votes: 96 67.6%

  • Total voters
Well, there goes my first 10...

I swear I had some weird feeling that "Promises" was going to leave yesterday and really hoped it would reach top 100. And it coming right after this post is quite ironic:
All of my 9.5's and 10's made it to the top 100?
Small victories etc.
You could be right, @berserkboi - I probably jinxed it, though you should've voted and supported this gem.
If I had to choose, "Promises" would be one of my least favourite 10's I gave in this rate (and probably my prediction as the first song to leave which I gave full marks to), but that absolutely doesn't mean I don't adore the song. It actually belongs to my "Body Language" trinity and sits comfortably in my top 20 songs by Kylie.

It's such an adorable little tune, which has a slight 80's vibe and endearing vocals. It just flows so nicely and effortlessly, and spews out wonderful melodies along the way. The melody passage in the verses is so nicely done. I'm impressed every time I hear it.
And that middle-8 is a highlight - in fact, I was telling myself if this song has an amazing middle-8, it's going to raise my score from 9.5 to 10. Obviously, that happened and became my favourite part of the song.

Needless to say, "Promises" deserved much more. At the very least, I'm happy to see it barely scrapping the top 100, if nothing else.
I love this next one...


Sincerely Yours 7.36

Highest Score: 10 x 6 @WhatKindOfKylie?, @SinceYouTookYourPopAway, @SlowGinFizzzz,
@mrdonut, @unnameable, @Markus1981
Lowest Score: 2 x 1 @Ramalama

@mrdonut - 10 After Aphrodite and KMO, it’s so lovely to hear these vocals (see also Radio On) and the sentiment behind this song is like a warm hug. What a sweetheart she is.
@MrJames - 9.5 I love this one. So euphoric and I just adore that middle eight so much.
@Andsov - 9 It's a little naff, but very sweet at the same time. And Kylie sounds great, and very genuine.
@Untouchable Ace - 9 The album was more successful during the sombre moments.

@M24 - 7.5 Another beautiful song, and I love that she dedicated this to her fans!
@Maki - 7 This sounds like a generic Eurovision song. Gets a bonus point because the production has a little more depth in the chorus, which is my favourite part of the song.
@nanafan - 7 I like this but don't think it was the love letter to fans that we were promised.
@hawkings24 - 7 Ah this song is hit and miss for me, I have to be in the right mood.

Gutted!! Such a sweet ballad and one that always gives me goosebumps. When I first heard it, not only dud it make me think of Kylie, but also of people very close to me, some alas no longer with me, and yet still are and always will be in many ways. A missed opportunity to perform it as part of the Golden tour I think, love Love At First Sight, but it would have been much better suited here.
The last two eliminations are a choice. I've talked about some of the X and Aphrodite filler before, but besides that is anyone really majorly attached to Million Miles or Fine?

Sincerely Yours was bizarrely left out of the Golden tour setlist, despite (both sonically and lyrically) seeming like it was written for exactly that purpose. I've never understood that.
It's going to take a Lifetime to Repair from that elimination...this early. So much left in the rate to lose first, even from Golden if we had to. Still, it's my 3rd favorite song on the album so as long as we don't lose the other two anytime soon!
And also Promises! Ugh, I know it's a fan favorite but I'm gonna have to watch Chocolate outlast the actual best songs from Body Language aren't I?

So glad to see Word Is Out go though, new jack swing is one of my least favorite genres ever. I just cannot.
Beyond the "can't start giving you up" line, I couldn't sing you the rest of that song if Kylie herself turned up and demanded it at gunpoint.

It's in line with what I expect of Greatest Hits padding tracks that don't even get to be the first single (i.e. not very much) and many better songs have gone already.

@Andsov - 10 Ah, this song is so good. I keep thinking Glow is my fave off the first Garibay EP, but it might be Wait. Solid ten.
@Holly Something - 10 Believe it or not this is an 11 contender for me, I LOVE THIS SONG!
@Untouchable Ace - 9 Just be limber baby.
@mrdonut - 8 Sleepwalker’s highlight with a, frankly, fucking superb chorus.
@M24 - 7 Catchy chorus! Probably the most radio-friendly of this EP, it could've been a single!
@nanafan - 3 Would have fitted on Kiss Me Once. Not a big fan of this EP at all.


@Andsov - 10 Ah, this song is so good. I keep thinking Glow is my fave off the first Garibay EP, but it might be Wait. Solid ten.
@Holly Something - 10 Believe it or not this is an 11 contender for me, I LOVE THIS SONG!
@Untouchable Ace - 9 Just be limber baby.
@mrdonut - 8 Sleepwalker’s highlight with a, frankly, fucking superb chorus.
@M24 - 7 Catchy chorus! Probably the most radio-friendly of this EP, it could've been a single!
@nanafan - 3 Would have fitted on Kiss Me Once. Not a big fan of this EP at all.


