This next one will *cough* ruffle a few feathers I think...
Got To Be Certain 7.59
Highest Score: 11 x 1 @Untouchable Ace
10 x 11 @Jóga,
@Holly Something,
Lowest Score: 1 x 1 @SlowGinFizzzz
@Andsov - 10 Her best release in the 80s.
@CasperFan - 9.5 So glad Kylie recorded this after Mandy Smith’s woeful effort. Glad it has finally been acknowledged by Kylie in the last few years after being ignored for so long.
@Holly Something - 10 It was between this and Hand On Your Heart for the 11, they're both such carefree happy pop songs.
@M24 - 9.5 Boys ARE all looking out for just one thing, Kylie. You should listen to your friends more often. Anyway, this is great. Another personal fav: the lyrics are great and it's quite danceable. For some reason I think I prefer this over the rest of the singles? I'll give it my highest score for the album, a 9.5. Might regret it later but oh well, I don't think this one is too popular so it probably deserves it.
@Maki - 8.5 There's so much fun here. Such a cute song and a great single choice. Love the chorus, too. And that ad-lib after the second chorus is fantastic - just boosted my score because of it. It's definitely a bit too basic 80's fodder, but is one of the album standouts for sure.
@MrJames - 8 I love this and I love the video too. The perfect follow up to I Should Be So Lucky.
@mrdonut - 8 Certainly deserves to be appreciated and performed more than some other PWL songs.
@nanafan - 7.5 Recycled from Mandy Smith, it shows what a better singer Kylie is. This was pre-ordered for me as a birthday present from my Mum before it came out. Ah, those were the days.
@Hudweiser - 5.5 Soz, PWL stans, I never could get into this one. I do remember being so young and naive that I thought the "one thing" boys are "looking out for" was football.