You really hate my 10's in this rate don't you?!...
Where The Wild Roses Grow (With Nick Cave) 8.16
Highest Score: 10 x 17 @P'NutButter, @Adora Day, @Sprockrooster, @SinceYouTookYourPopAway, @OSHi, @maverick_79, @mrdonut, @No hay banda, @hawkings24, @muddleddreams, @Andsov, @Daniel_O, @Phonetics Boy, @unnameable, @SophiaSophia, @Touchofmyhand, @Maki
Lowest Score: 0 x 1 @Hurricane Drunk
@mrdonut - 10 It was hilarious to see at the time Kylie fans frothing at the mouth in outrage over this whilst indie kids reading Melody Maker and NME raved about it. Undeniably an inspired choice of duet partners, I also happen to think it’s a brilliant (and brilliantly performed) song.
@Andsov - 10 It's an iconic piece of music, definitely up there with Head, Confide, Locomotion, Lucky, Devil, Spinning Around and Locomotion. Her friendship with Nick Cave and their mutual admiration for each other is so lovely.
@Sprockrooster - 10 A perfect anomaly.
@CasperFan - 9.5 Stunning and like nothing else in Kylie’s catalogue, a classic.
@Verandi - 9 A solo version would have gotten a 10. Keke_Palmer_sorry_to_this_man.gif
@Holly Something - 8.5 I like this a lot but it also kind of freaks me out a little.
@MrJames - 8 A dark and haunting classic.
@M24 - 7.5 There's something very True Detective title-track about this song! It's very gloomy.. I guess that was the intention. The MV is quite a treat for the eyes too, Kylie is looking gorgeous. I give it an 8.5 but I wish I liked it more to give it a higher score.
@Hudweiser - 6 I know everyone raves about this, but it's never done a lot for me. The imagery is all intriguing and dark but I just don't ever feel the need to come back to it.
@nanafan - 1 Really dislike this. I know it helped her creative route and made her more of an artist but I just don't like it. Nick Cave's vocal grates on me.
Where The Wild Roses Grow (With Nick Cave) 8.16
Highest Score: 10 x 17 @P'NutButter, @Adora Day, @Sprockrooster, @SinceYouTookYourPopAway, @OSHi, @maverick_79, @mrdonut, @No hay banda, @hawkings24, @muddleddreams, @Andsov, @Daniel_O, @Phonetics Boy, @unnameable, @SophiaSophia, @Touchofmyhand, @Maki
Lowest Score: 0 x 1 @Hurricane Drunk
@mrdonut - 10 It was hilarious to see at the time Kylie fans frothing at the mouth in outrage over this whilst indie kids reading Melody Maker and NME raved about it. Undeniably an inspired choice of duet partners, I also happen to think it’s a brilliant (and brilliantly performed) song.
@Andsov - 10 It's an iconic piece of music, definitely up there with Head, Confide, Locomotion, Lucky, Devil, Spinning Around and Locomotion. Her friendship with Nick Cave and their mutual admiration for each other is so lovely.
@Sprockrooster - 10 A perfect anomaly.
@CasperFan - 9.5 Stunning and like nothing else in Kylie’s catalogue, a classic.
@Verandi - 9 A solo version would have gotten a 10. Keke_Palmer_sorry_to_this_man.gif
@Holly Something - 8.5 I like this a lot but it also kind of freaks me out a little.
@MrJames - 8 A dark and haunting classic.
@M24 - 7.5 There's something very True Detective title-track about this song! It's very gloomy.. I guess that was the intention. The MV is quite a treat for the eyes too, Kylie is looking gorgeous. I give it an 8.5 but I wish I liked it more to give it a higher score.
@Hudweiser - 6 I know everyone raves about this, but it's never done a lot for me. The imagery is all intriguing and dark but I just don't ever feel the need to come back to it.
@nanafan - 1 Really dislike this. I know it helped her creative route and made her more of an artist but I just don't like it. Nick Cave's vocal grates on me.