Raining Glitter 8.26
Highest Score: 10 x 12 @WhatKindOfKylie?,
Lowest Score: 4 x 1 @Daniel_O
@Hudweiser - 10 I love the bouncing bass on this, a welcome departure from the repetitive guitar riff that seems to kick off every other song beforehand.
@hawkings24 - 10 The disco serve of it all, I love it and have done since it was released, it's CRIMINAL that it was reduced to only a chorus on tour.
@MrJames - 10 I fell in love with this one the moment I saw the low quality video of her performing it at one of her early Golden gigs. Classic Kylie with a twist!
@Untouchable Ace - 9.5 Party anthem.
@Andsov - 9 Kylie really has some poorly named songs (Sexy Love, Sexercize, Wow). I didn't expect this to be good. But it's brilliant, and it keeps growing on me.
@mrdonut - 8.5 Squelchy fart noises in the background aside, this works a treat.
@Ana Raquel - 8 Something actually good on this album???? Thank you goodness!!!!!
@Maki - 7.5 Now this feels much more like a typical Kylie. Not amazing, although it's really good and could've been a single, actually. I bumped its score a bit due to bringing some energy, compared to the most tracks on "Golden".
@nanafan - 6.5 Overhyped among fans. A nice pop track but nothing special.
@M24 - 4.5 I like the song, but it feels out of place here, especially with Music's Too Sad right after? It's too disco-ish for this album.