Things Can Only Get Better 8.32
Highest Score: 11 x 4 @One Stop Candy Shop,
@Ugly Beauty,
10 x 10 @WhatKindOfKylie?,
@Hurricane Drunk,
@Crisp X,
@Gnuh Gnuh
Lowest Score: 4 x 2 @SinceYouTookYourPopAway,
@Ugly Beauty - 11 No joke but this legitimately helped me during difficult times in my life and it's a big bop to boot, and THAT FUCKING BASSLINE!
@Sprockrooster - 10 The clear runner-up for my 11 in this part. The sad dancefloor gay sound combined with that extensive guitar solo in the middle-8. Mama knows how to win a sprock-heart.
@nanafan - 10 The lost 5th single. I adore this track. PWL perfection and holds up alongside the 4 big singles.
@CasperFan - 9.5 This should have been single number 5-fantastic synth pop and really goes off-the natural successor to Enjoy Yourself.
@Hudweiser - 9 If there had to be a fifth single, I'd advocate for this. The verses have such an enjoyable creeping quality to get to that love-yourself chorus.
@mrdonut - 8 I wish New Labour had used this as its anthem instead of D:Ream’s song.
@Andsov - 8 The song is as possessed as Kylie's dancing this era.
@M24 - 7.5 I'm totally here for this. Love a good self-empowering anthem. Especially in these COVID19 times.
@Maki - 7.5 Ths is really good. Still on a more basic side, but pretty much great overall. I love that guitar solo and the chorus is quite a punch. Could've been a single, actually.
@Verandi - 4 And then she released Let's Get To It. Comedy queen!