Closer 8.34
Highest Score: 10 x 15 @WhatKindOfKylie?, @Sprockrooster, @SinceYouTookYourPopAway, @OSHi, @SlowGinFizzzz, @DJHazey, @mrdonut, @hawkings24, @VeryPSB, @GimmeWork, @unnameable, @Robert, @SophiaSophia, @Ana Raquel, @Maki
Lowest Score: 5 x 4 @Adora Day, @Physical, @Andsov, @Hurricane Drunk
@mrdonut - 10 A stunning achievement. Classical music meets futuristic dance
@hawkings24 - 10 A grower, and a slow burner
@Holly Something - 9.5 Rate discovery for me, I love the darker sound of this.
@M24 - 9 It's like a sequel to "Too Far" in a way. It sounds frantic and it completely engulfs you in its atmosphere. Probably my favorite non single, and I love most of the album tracks here.
@Verandi - 8.5 We love a synth symphony.
@nanafan - 7 Great performance on the tour made me like this more.
@Andsov - 5 Hapsichord! I want to love Closer because of its quirkiness. But I think it's very annoying.