Kylie: The Complete Discography Rate - Part. 1 The Albums+ (RESULTS! 2nd place & WINNER!)

What is your favourite Kylie era?

  • PWL Years: 1989-1993

    Votes: 21 14.8%
  • Deconstruction: 1994-1999

    Votes: 25 17.6%
  • Parlophone+: 2000-

    Votes: 96 67.6%

  • Total voters


Closer 8.34

Highest Score: 10 x 15 @WhatKindOfKylie?, @Sprockrooster, @SinceYouTookYourPopAway, @OSHi, @SlowGinFizzzz, @DJHazey, @mrdonut, @hawkings24, @VeryPSB, @GimmeWork, @unnameable, @Robert, @SophiaSophia, @Ana Raquel, @Maki
Lowest Score: 5 x 4 @Adora Day, @Physical, @Andsov, @Hurricane Drunk

@mrdonut - 10 A stunning achievement. Classical music meets futuristic dance
@hawkings24 - 10 A grower, and a slow burner
@Holly Something - 9.5 Rate discovery for me, I love the darker sound of this.
@M24 - 9 It's like a sequel to "Too Far" in a way. It sounds frantic and it completely engulfs you in its atmosphere. Probably my favorite non single, and I love most of the album tracks here.
@Verandi - 8.5 We love a synth symphony.
@nanafan - 7 Great performance on the tour made me like this more.
@Andsov - 5 Hapsichord! I want to love Closer because of its quirkiness. But I think it's very annoying.

Closer is such a song! I have vivid memories of me screeching along to 'cloooooseerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, to yooouu nowwwwwwww, neeeeeeeeeever enouuuuuuuuuugh' and my mother being appalled. It's one of those songs that I didn't realise I enjoyed so much until I revisited the album
Things Can Only Get Better is one of those songs you could close your eyes and dance to all by yourself and just feel the message, feel the warmth of Kylie’s amazing vocal delivery wrap around you.

Closer feels pretty similar to me. It’s an entire landscape of a song. It’s like the song version of a sensory deprivation tank. It just relieves stress, makes you feel loved and part of something bigger.

Both are capable of being 11s for me.

Please Stay is nice. It’s not a top 40 song in this discography. Get it out.
Oh this next one...


@Womanizer - 11 This is it. This is pure euphoria distilled into a few minutes
@Ugly Beauty - 10 This was my introduction to Kylie and what an introduction!
@Untouchable Ace - 9.5 Such a perfect song for single release. The only things that bring this down is the comparison to it's siblings on X which do it better.
@nanafan - 8 A bit overplayed now but I loved it when I first heard it. A clear single and a Kylie classic.

@M24 - 8 It's good, far from my favorite on this album anyway.
@CasperFan - 8 Familiarity definitely breeds contempt with this one but it is a great pop song, even if it is Kylie by numbers.
@Verandi - 8 She made exactly the song the gays wanted from her and they still got mad. It's a cute bop!

@hawkings24 - 7 This song just grates on me, I hate it live especially when she starts chatting 'You're all looking so wow!' like girl shut it. However, the Golden Tour arrangement is unreal and it's the only version of the song I will actively listen to.
@Andsov - 7 Wow is a mixed bag for me. There are elements I like (the Daft Punk-like production) and there are elements I hate (Wow wow wow wow). If it was called something else I would probably score it higher.
@Hudweiser - 6.5 I see why it was a hit, but I've never loved it.
@MrJames - 6 I absolutely loved Wow when the album first came out but I find it a bit annoying now.

@mrdonut - 6 A computer algorithm’s idea of what a Kylie song is.

