This is a big one for your host (that's me)...
Hand On Your Heart 8.47
Highest Score: 11 x 6 @P'NutButter,
@Robsolete ,
@Holly Something,
10 x 22 @Adora Day,
@unnameable ,
@Gnuh Gnuh
Lowest Score: 2 x 2 @SlowGinFizzzz,
@Holly Something - 11 I'm not in love with anything from this era so I just chose my favourite of the 10's I gave.
@Hudweiser - 10 When I listen to this now, it feels longer than it should be, but the chorus is so good it doesn't matter.
@mrdonut - 10 Brilliantly written pop and another great example of S/A/W hiding gut-wrenching melancholy underneath a bubblegum surface.
@CasperFan - 9 A Kylie classic and quite rightly so!
@M24 - 8 It's very similar in style to the singles from the debut. It's just as good but probably not as much of a stone-cold classic to these ears.
@Maki - 7 This is such a typical Kylie track during this era. Great chorus, it makes sense they chose it as the lead single. I like it, but the whole thing is too basic and not remarkable at all.
@nanafan - 6.5 I think this is a bit twee. The two follow ups were stronger records but this is the better remembered one.
@Verandi - 6 The fact that this is supposedly the best the album has to offer makes me irrationally scared of what is to come.
@Andsov - 2 I know 2 seems like a troll score, but I never liked Hand On Your Heart. In fact, I really hate it. Alongside On a Night Like This, I think it's her most overrated single.