Some will be happy and some will not be...
Stop Me From Falling 8.48
Highest Score: 11 x 1 @M24
10 x 17 @Adora Day,
Lowest Score: 3 x 1 @poshbabyyy
@M24 - 11 So good! The verses are so arresting, and I love that melody in the prechorus omg. And she served looks in that remix video (love hearing her sing that bit in spanish!). I think I'll give it my 11 simply because I'm not sure it'll get the average it deserves.
@Sprockrooster - 10 Honestly this music video of the remix was a serve. Also my absolute summer jam. After a drought of Kylie in my life she came back hard with this. Like an eternal queen.
@nanafan - 10 Kylie classic. She is smoking in the Gente de Zona version video.
@mrdonut - 10 Over time, I’ve loved this more and more. Boasts a brilliantly constructed chorus and post-chorus, and Kylie fucking sells it
@Andsov - 10 I've always liked Stop Me From Falling, but after the tour it just exploded for me. So good! It's just hook after hook after hook.
@CasperFan - 10 Just as good as Dancing and the for yoooouuu bit is just fabulous. And that video!
@Verandi - 8.5 This sounds like a "live from the kitchen" version of a much superior mix.
@Maki- 7.5 A good song, especially the pre-chorus, and the country twang is really nice here. Again, something is missing, probably production-wise.