In MY Arms is a solid 9 for me, I too would have loved for it have been the lead single from X, I mean imagine if In My Arms or The One had lead X followed by Wow, it could have been so different! It was a huge hit all over Europe, in fact probably her biggest since Head so I guess it got its moment, just a shame it was a bit of a damp squid in the UK.
Finer Feelings is a great song but I've never quite got the absolute adoration for it on here, I did give it an 8 though, it's just not absolute top tier Kylie for me.
Chocolate was my Parlaphone 11 in the last rate so I absolutely adore it, I went for Wow over it this time as I wanted to support a favourite of mine that is constantly getting shat on here.
So Step Back In Time is the first of the Golden Quartet to go, it's actually my least favourite of the 4 so I guess I can't complain, however it got a 9.5 from me, the other 3 got either a 10 or 11.