I want Slow or Love At First Sight to go but I know they won’t because they are vastly overrated on Popjustice.
this, this and then a bit more of thisI know Its_not_realistic.gif, but In Your Eyes should be the last Fever single leaving.
In Your Eyes 9.41
Highest Score: 11 x 1 @hawkings24
10 x 34 @One Stop Candy Shop, @Sprockrooster, @m_dimitrov, @OSHi, @clowezra, @SlowGinFizzzz, @Jacques, @Womanizer, @maverick_79, @aux, @DJHazey, @Reboot, @Cowboystyle, @WoW73, @Physical, @Andsov, @poshbabyyy, @KingBruno, @tylerc904, @Daniel_O, @GimmeWork, @MrJames, @IntoTheBlue, @abael, @fatyoshi, @Crisp X, @Aester, @Robert, @SophiaSophia, @MilesAngel, @Ana Raquel, @Ramalama, @Touchofmyhand, @Maki
Lowest Score: 6.5 x 1 @funkyg
@hawkings24 - 11 This song just never fails me, everything is just so right about this song, and it's autotune done right.
@Sprockrooster - 10 The song that made me a Kylie a stan. Still so damn good. Kylie really started of the millenium with banging pop.
@M24 - 9.5 This is like my favorite song off this album. The verses are pure sensuality, and the chorus is so catchy! I feel like I say that with almost all of Kylie's songs xD but this one seems even more special than the rest. I don't know how to describe it.
@nanafan - 9 Great follow up and good record. Love the Spinning Around reference and the current live mix is amazing!
@Ugly Beauty - 9 That Spinning Around mention....love it when popstars reference their songs in their lyrics.
@Hudweiser - 8 There's a really good white label mix of this which pivots around sampling the pre-chorus ("oooh is the world still spinning around?"). It's so very good.
@Verandi - 7.5 The weaker single from the album but she's still a cute girl. Painfully dated but enjoyable!
@mrdonut - 7 Disappointingly, the chorus is the song’s weakest moment.
@CasperFan - 7 Not a huge favourite. Find it a little boring, the chorus just lacks something melodically. Great production though, which saves it somewhat.