Rhythm Of Love 6.71
Highest Score: 10 x 3 @IntoTheBlue, @abael, @Gnuh Gnuh
Lowest Score: 2 x 1 @SlowGinFizzzz
@nanafan - 8 Madonna-esque track that hols up well now. Another good closer.
@Andsov - 8 The chorus is a let-down, but I love the verses.
@CasperFan - 8 This would’ve made a good final single and a good link to the sound of Word Is out.
@mrdonut - 7 Perfectly serviceable but as with The World Still Turns, please STOP with the sax.
@Maki - 7 A bit underwhelming for a title track, but still good. The pre-chorus is my favourite part, but the rest is just meh. Not a remarkable album closer by any means, but acceptable enough.
@Ana Raquel - 6.5 I always scream to the fact that the song that named the album is the worst one of the bunch ddddd
@M24 - 6 It's good, I like it. And ooh la la j'aime quand elle parle francais. And the sax that becomes noticeable towards the end of the song… beautiful.